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Early the next morning, Karina hurried to the studio.

Y/n rode her electric bike to buy vegetables at the vegetable market.

Karina has been busy working on the work of the studio recently. It has been very hard. She bought some high-nutrition dishes to supplement her wife.

When she finished buying vegetables, Y/n just came out of the vegetable market and saw Yuna in there.

“Y/n!” Yuna called her, her face full of excitement.

Y/n looked at her and said in surprise: “Yuna, what a coincidence, you are here too!”

Yuna looked at Y/n and said falteringly: “Yes, no, no, I am.”

Y/n was a little confused, and said: “Speak slowly, have you encountered something?”

Yuna couldn’t help her cheeks getting embarrassed. In fact, she had been waiting outside Karina’s home early in the morning and had been following Y/n all the way.

Yuna plucked up the courage, but her red lip lightly, and said: “I came here to thank you specially. Thank you for saving me yesterday.”

Y/n couldn’t laugh or cry and said: “I saved you because you are Karina's bestfriend. You don't have to be so polite with me for that.”

What did she think it was because of this.

Yuna shook her head and summoned the courage to continue: “Y/n, in fact, I still know that not only did you save me yesterday, but you were also the one who saved me last time at the Wrestvel Restaurant.”

Y/n snorted, how could Yuna know what happened last time? She masked herself last time, she shouldn’t have known it!

She hurriedly denied it and said: “You must guess the wrong person? I have never been to an Wrestvel restaurant. There must be someone else who saved you.”

Yuna looked at Y/n with incomparably complex eyes, with unwillingness, admiration, and unspeakable resentment in it.

Why didn’t she even have the idea of ​​confessing? Isn’t she so worthless in her own eyes? She didn’t even admit to saving her?

Thinking of this, she said with tears in her eyes: “When I was in the Wrestvel Restaurant, Wooyoung invited me to dinner. I was accosted by the rich second generation. As a result, Wooyoung provoked others and was surrounded by people at the door of the restaurant. At the critical juncture, Wooyoung left me and escaped. At that time, there was a masked hero, like a world-famous hero, who defeated everyone and saved me, and you also saved me.”

Speaking of this, Yuna’s complexion instantly turned red, and that day she had a skin-to-skin relationship with Y/n, and her pants were taken off by her.

Of course, she also knew very well that Y/n took off her pants, in fact, to save her, and did not have any unruly intentions.

Y/n’s face turned green after hearing this, this lady, who really doesn’t open the pot, can she admit this kind of thing?

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