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He knew very well in his heart that he was deceived by the Yoo family’s mentally handicapped people and almost offended Ms. Lim. Fortunately, Ms. Lim had a large number of adults, so he didn’t continue to target her, otherwise he might have harmed the entire Kim family.

Now, this Jinsoul still has the face to find him to get back together?

Isn’t this f*cking pulling him into the fire pit?

Thinking of this, Mingyu pushed Jinsoul to the ground and kicked her in the stomach, yelling: “Jinsoul! From today, you will roll as far as you can go. If you entangle, I swear to God I will kill you!”

Jinsoul was struck by lightning immediately, and her whole body was dumbfounded.

Looking at Mingyu, there was no way to connect with Mingyu who was in love with her before.

Although Karina was always dissatisfied with Jinsoul, she was still her own cousin. Seeing that she was insulted like this, she couldn’t see it. So she said to Mingyu: “Mr. Kim, you and Jinsoul lover before, even if you can't be a lover anymore, you can't be an enemy, right?”

As soon as these words came out, Mingyu immediately bowed in trepidation and fear: “Mrs. Lim, what you taught us! It was improperly hadled underneath. Please forgive me!”

Jinsoul did not expect that Mingyu would be so cruel and merciless to her, yet so respectful of Karina.

She turned her head to look at Karina, not only did she not feel grateful, but hated her for being a shareholder!

A voice yelled in her heart: “It was Karina, this b*tch! For making me into the field where she is today!

Had it not been for this b*tch, and this b*tch waste wife, I would have married Mingyu long ago!”

She could have lived the happy life as a Mrs. Kim a long time ago, and at the same time, she can help the Yoo family to a higher level, and the entire Yoo family will not be reduced to the present situation!

Blame you!

Blame you!!

Blame you!!!

You b*tch!!!

Thinking of this, Jinsoul with a disheveled hair jumped up suddenly, and suddenly pinched towards Karina full of hatred.

“B*tch! I will strangled you! It was you who killed me! I will strangle you!”

Seeing her suddenly walk towards her, Karina’s eyes were full of blood-red, and she was shocked and hurriedly hid back.

Y/n’s face was cold, and she was about to shoot Jinsoul, but saw that Mr. Jisub had already rushed out at this time, slapped Jinsoul hard on the face, and slapped her to the ground.

Mr. Jisub was very angry, and said: “Who are you? You even dared to beat Mrs. Lim, I will kill you now!”

While speaking, Mr. Jisub said hello to the back: “Come here, take out this b*tch who has offended Mrs. Lim, and kill her!”

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