Chapter 14

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Elizabeth's pov:
"What-what do you mean your pregnant? Ginger ale is at the hospital and the only person you would do it with is him," emmy said.
"I-I know Ginger ale is still at the hospital," angelina answered.
"Then how are you pregnant?" I asked.
"She did it with someone else stupid," dally smirked. I threw my left shoe at him, causing him to wince and then throw it back at me but I caught it in mid air, not even looking.
"Like a boss girl," Paige chuckled. I smirked and let angelina continue and tell us why the hell she's pregnant.
"Well, Sodapop and me...kinda.. You get the point. We have emergency pregnancy tests in the medicine cabinet and so just Incase I checked and it was positive," she explained.
"Why did you do it, Sodapop?! You would never do something like that!" Darry roared and sounding like a father.
"There's a reason why!" He yelled.
"Well hurry and run your mouth, this better be a good reason and if it isn't I'm skinning ya," Darry growled.
"Angelina, I'm sorry that we did it. But we had to get revenge on Ginger Ale," soda said.
"For what?" She asked.
"Ginger-ginger ale. Well that month we haven't seen ya guys, he..he slept with other girls. Sometimes he would bring 'em home or sometimes stay at the DX or a party. And most of the time, it was more than one girl a night," soda explained. She looked shocked. She looked hurt, she looked angry, she looked all of these emotions I can't quite explain. I might show sometimes almost no love (except to penny and my sister and 2 soc friends) but nobody, AND I MEAN NOBODY, messes with my gang. I do love them, with all my heart, but I don't show it. If I did it would show them I'm kinda weak and the more people think I'm soft the more there are fights and all that junk.
"I'll be right back," I mumbled and started to head out the door.
"Liz wait!" I heard angelina say.
"What?!" I growled.
"Let me handle it. He was the one to hurt me and I have a plan to hurt him back, then once that is over you can do whatever the hell you want, just make sure we don't see him for a week at the very least because I don't feel like dealing with all his crap," she said.
"Alright. Call if ya need anything," I said and walked back in. Penny woke up and was coming down the stairs, still a little groggy. When she came down I picked her up and went into the kitchen.
"Whatcha want to eat?" I asked her.
"Cheerios," she answered.
"Today we go shopping, okay?" I said as I got a bowl and Cheerios out.
"Okay. This time no milk in my Cheerios," she said and I nodded. I have her a spoon and she ate. I ate a granola bar and orange juice (I really wasn't that hungry).
Angelina's pov:
I had the perfect plan. I was going to go into the room, yell at ginger ale, tell him the news, and then after that soda comes in. I start to cry and he comforts me and then soda punches him and says 'sorry man but she's mine now'. I kinda wish that soda and I wouldn't be pretending to date, and I wish it was actually real. Woah, what the hell am I saying?! Am-am I falling for Sodapop?! Focus angelina!
Soda and I discussed the plan and we agreed it would work. We left the house and went to the hospital. 'Here we go' I thought to myself.
I walked into his room. He was sitting up, except he wasn't alone. He was...making out with a nurse! That little slutty whore! Wait a minute, did I just call a guy a slutty whore?
"Hey ginger ale. Glad to know you missed me, after I thought I lost you forever," I said. I decided not to yell, he would probably expect it.
"Angelina! Babe! I-I" he started to say.
"Save it Curtis, nurse please leave so I could talk to my boyfriend," I said to the nurse. It was a girl names Sylvia.
"Sodapop who's this?" She asked. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On.
"Uh that one is Ginger Ale," I said trying my hardest not to laugh.
"Ginger Ale!!!" She roared and went out the door.
"I'll be looking for dally!" She yelled. 'Shes too plastic to understand' I thought to myself.
"I'm sorry," he quickly said.
"Well, good to know you love me. I'm not putting up with this crap and torture myself and slowly go down the drain," I said coldly.
"Good because you were a pile of shit anyways."
"Ok. Just letting you know, I'm pregnant with Sodapop's baby and I don't feel bad about it at all," I said and squinted my eyes and headed towards the door.
"Does soda know?" He asked.
"Yeah everyone knows ya ass. And if you come near the baby I will gladly tell Liz to pay you a visit with her fists," I said before opening the door.
"Want me to still go in there?" Soda asked.
"There's been a change of plans. I don't think you'll need to," I said.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I've been better," I replied.
He hugged me and I hugged him back.

Elizabeth's pov:
Penny and I went shopping. I got her a pair of black converse at the shoe store. Now we are on our way to the clothes store.
When we got there, we first went to the shirt isle. I got her one plain black shirt and a black tank top and a pink tank top and a white tanktop. At the pants isle, I got her five pairs of jeans, and I would cut two of them to make them shorts (it was cheaper and the jeans were all 75% off). Next I got her a leather jacket and then some socks and then we went home. Emmy painted her nails and Ponyboy brushed her hair so that I could out her in maybe a braid or something. Unlike dally, I liked kids. I was actually rather glad that angelina was having a baby. I could babysit it and help her take care of it. Now that I think of it, I know the reason why I love the gang. They were basically all little kids. Except, they would be mature at times. Paige And Angelina argue all the time. Maddy is basically a little kid, except sometimes mature and can make swallowing a guy possible. Emmy is like that sassy little kid that is always dramatic and loves to do all that girly stuff. Maybe that's why I'm not a soc.
I could picture in my mind what would happen if I all of a sudden left, besides them looking for me. Emmy was dancing and singing, maddy was drinking starbucks and throwing stuff, Paige was playing basketball and made a hold in the sink and put it in the middle of the room on a stand and it presented a basketball hoop. And angelina was drawing and painting all over the walls. And penny was in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to get to the top of the cabinet to get cookies. All the girls' laundry had to be done and the house looked as if a tornado had went through the house at every angle.

--- 5 pm---
I snapped out of my thoughts and decided to call Christina and see of I could come over with Penny. I called her and she said yes and to bring Dr. peppers too. Penny and i left and went to the store and bought dr pepper and left and went to Christina's house.
Paige's pov:
I went with Steve to the park and we took some shots and played basketball and talked for awhile.
"So when should we tell them?" I asked.
"Tell them what?" He asked.
"You know, about Emily and Ashley," I said and looked down.
"Lets do it today so we can just get it overwith," Steve said and took a shot and missed.
"Alright," I said taking a shot and making it in through the hoop.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, just a little tired from all this drama. Two people that I loved are now dead, my best friend is pregnant and all of this other crap," I said.
"We should go on a vacation," he said randomly.
"A vacation. You know, like on a weekend. Just to take a break from all this," he said.
"Alright, where we gonna go?" I asked.
"Sure, but if a bear attacks I'm leaving you as bait," I joked.
"Very funny, not if you get eaten first," he said.
"I'm faster smartie," I said crossing my arms.
"Wanna race?"
"Sure," I answered and we started racing almost immeadietly. I got ahead of him, but he pushed me on the grass and I fell. I quickly got up and started running faster than I was before, quickly catching up and pushing him to the ground.
"I'll see ya at the Curtis house," I said, leaving the park and making my way over. I remembered Darry saying something about having dinner there at around 6 before Liz left to her sisters house, me and steve went to the park, maddy, two-bit, dally, pony and emmy going to the movies, and angelina and soda walking around the neighborhood.
When I got to the Curtis house, Johnny was watching some movie on TV and Darry was cooking dinner.
"Hey Darry what's on the menu for tonight?" I asked.
"Chicken casserole," he replied.
"Do you mind doing me a favor?" He asked.
"Whatcha need?"
"Can you go to the store and get two cases of 24 pack coke? I forgot to get it earlier while I was getting the ingredients. My wallet is on the table it's about 15 dollars," he explained.
"Sure. I can pay, you're making all of us dinner," I offered.
"Thank you so much."
"No problem. If I don't pass steve by tell him that I went to the store," I said. He said alright and I was on my way to the corner store. I got there, payed for the two cases of coke and left. On my way there, I saw a familiar car drive by slowly. The window lowered slowly. I looked to see who was driving it. It was Harry.

Authors note:
If it seems short sorry about that... I don't think it is too short though considering the fact that I've spent the last hour writing it...
Stay gold and the picture above is Christina and dally.

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