Chapter 15

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Author's note:
Hey it said I had 46 reads On the second to last chapter omggg.. If ur reading my story plz comment because I would appreciate it to see who's reading it so I could say thank you :)

Paige's pov:
"Hey Paige long time no see," he said and smirked. I almost dropped the coke cases.
I immeadietly started running as fast as I could. I ran to the Curtis house, dropped the cases on the floor and was out of breath. I looked up and saw Steve, Johnny, Darry, Angelina and Sodapop staring at me in confusion.
"I-I saw Harry on my way back from the store," I said. All jaws dropped.
"Did he do anything?" Steve asked.
"No but I could tell he's looking for something," I replied. Darry took the cases of coke and stored them all in the fridge, then taking one out for himself.

Harry's pov:
I got Big Slamma and Puma to tell someone from the girls gang that Emily and Ashley were dead. Haha, they're not. That guy who's giving me his Manson once we give him the other five girls, also known as 'señor sexy', drove Emily and Ashley to Florida, so they would never see them again. He said he was gonna kill them once he didn't need them, but not yet. He came back a week later and said that the girls are locked in a abandoned hotel and if they try to escape they'll be eaten alive because three alligators are in the hallway. (The hotel only had once floor and nine rooms, the rest burned in a fire). My cousin, Sylvia, was helping us out too. She was pretending to like Sodapop and Dallas. That way, she could get the guys to give her the girls so she can give them to me. But then she stopped after she met some soc named Paul and ran off to Los Angeles with him. So now, we have to think of another plan.
I saw Paige and she ran off. Big Slamma, Puma, señor sexy, Alfed, beastie, Rick, and Carl all went to our hideout in an alley, the same alley way we kidnapped Maddy in.
"Man, we need to come up with a plan," Alfred said.
"I have been doing some spying, angelina is pregnant and there's a five year old named Penny. And ginger ale is in the hospital. I think we should wait maybe a year and kidnap them all. We would probably be off their minds by then," Beastie said.
"Stalker," I joked.
"Like you haven't, jackass," beasties said.
"I think Beastie is right. If we wait about a year, they won't expect it and the baby will be three months old so they have a distraction, and the tough one named Liz will be distracted with Penny. Once a week one of us should spy on them to see what's going on. We should also look for more help," señor sexy said.
"But from who?" Rick asked.
"I've done more stalking, there's two greasers that pretty much hate that gang, Tim and Shepard. They're greasers so they'll be easy to get on our side. We should also get some Socs too like Bob Sheldon and Randy Anderson," beastie said.
"Alright. What should we do while we wait about a year to get the girls?" Carl asked.
"We distract ourselves, maybe attempt every once in awhile to get them," Alfred Said.
"We should get pumped up and start working and get a house here and stuff like that," puma said.
"Yeah. Pick up some girls, rent an apartment, stuff like that," big Slamma said.
"Dallas Winston has a friend named buck and lets people rent out some rooms at his house. We could go there. After all, buck doesn't even know about us or anything," beastie said.
"Alright," we all agreed.
"Me and Rick can go out to the party and check out the rooms and rent one of them. The party place looks pretty big," beastie said.
"What if Dallas is there?" Carl asked.
"He only knows Harry, big Slamma, and puma. But mostly it was some other people that saw them , not me and you," beastie said.
"Alright. Lets do this. Come back tomorrow and let us know. Here's fifty bucks. I have twenty dollars left, I left the rest back in Jersey," señor sexy said. Rick and Beastie left and we just played cards and talked and planned some more. I was annoyed that we would have to wait a year, but if it's gonna make me rich then it's worth it.
"Hey señor?" I said to señor sexy.
"What's up?"
"Why do we need the girls? Wouldn't it be easier to get another group of girls that hardly knows us?" I asked. He sighed.
"Harry, let me tell you all about our history with those bitches," señor sexy said and I nodded.
"When Liz and I were twelve, we were good friends. But we kept it secret from her gang. They'd think we were dating and all this freakin drama. Then one day, Alfred asked her out when they were about 15 and she said no. He tried about 10 times and she rejected 10 times. They got in a fight and she eventually told me to get him off her back. Me and Alfred were pretty close, so I couldn't do that. I slapped her and she shot me in the leg and left. I haven't seen her since. Beastie did some research for me and then told me about the gang she loves and cared about. That was the key to breaking her. Then Carl and maddy have a history. They kept it secret and dated until he bought her dunkin donuts and she yelled that he didn't even get her coffee right. He started yelling and she threw a chair at him and he got mad and to get revenge on her he challenged her to a soccer game, but it was a tie after two hours of playing in the pouring rain. Then Rick and Angelina have a history. Rick killed her grandma after her grandma bought the last packs of bubble gum, so angelina shot him four times in the shoulder and the gang jumped him and puma and big Slamma and left them all busted up. Ashley and Emily saw me and told me to go to hell and spit at me and complained to the police that the gang and I were bothering their gang and killed Angelina's grandmother. And you dated paige a bunch of times throughout the years and she has broken your heart too many times to count. We have made the commitment to come Tulsa, Harry. And we already have had two of their bastards for a month. It's too late to go back. And we need them to get us to meet our dads and get rich. If we have the, and give them to our dads, we can live like kings. They like their moms and their moms are all celebrity singers. Exocet their moms loved them but gave them up to live the life. It's a lot to explain, Harry. Just help me get to our dads. They all own a business, our real dads. They make the starbucks flavors. That's why we need them. Don't think about all this it's a lot and complicated just stick to the plan, alright?" He said. Wow he said, he said a lot. I don't even know half the stuff he said.
"Alright, I kinda understand," I said.
"Hey Harry wasn't play slap jack?" Puma asked.
"Yeah man. Winner gets a five free shots of moonshine," puma said and smirked.
"Your on. And loser has to get a scarring that says the winners name," I said.
"alright," he replied. I, of course, won. I found a shard of glass and took Puma's arm and cut it that said my name.
"Quit digging so deep that freakin hurts like crap," puma said. I rolled my eyes.
---9 pm---
Emmy's pov:
We all went to the Curtis brothers house. Darry made all of us chicken casserole. And so far, it was amazing.
"Darry you should become a professional cook," soda said.
"Yeah, I think it's in the Curtis genes," angelina chuckled.
"Nah, I can't cook that well," pony said.
"We should have a bake sale," I said randomly.
"Yeah, get some extra money," Darry agreed.
"Ya. Tomorrow lets get bake some brownies and cake and cookies. I can ask my boss at the DX if we can have one tomorrow," Steve suggested.
"Alright. It's settled," I said.
Suddenly we heard the door opened and all heads turned. It was ginger ale.
"Ginger ale what are you doing here? Your supposed to come out in a couple more days," angelina said. He flicked out a switch blade.
"Can I see you for a moment? I want to see that baby for a minute," he said. Clearly he was drunk.
"Don't angelina. He's drunk as hell," pony said.
"Shut your trap horse face," ginger ale slurred.
"Ginger ale you may be family, but get out," Sodapop said.
"Get out my ass!" He roared. Soda, dally, darryy and two-bit got up and threw him out of the house.
"Harry is back bastards!" He screamed and left.
"Yeah, I saw him on the way back home. We have to tell you guys something," Paige said.
"What is it?" Darry asked.
"Ashley and Emily are dead."

Authors note:
Next chapter I will sum up what señor sexy said. Stay gold💛💛

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