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I'd wish for you, but you're already mine

I never made a big deal out of my birthday. Most years I was laying on the floor in my room as silent tears rolled down my cheeks, thinking about how I'm still a nobody just how I was a year ago. How I couldn't change the things I didn't like about myself.

It never felt real, that a year passed again. I never felt myself more mature or independent. When I turned 18, I still felt like I was the 16 years old girl who had her heart broken for the first time.

But this year I felt different. The past year, especially last few months, changed me a lot. I didn't feel like I'm the same little girl I was a year ago.

I didn't know at first how felt about it. Changing isn't a bad thing, so I tried to look at it in a way that I just developed myself, there's not a bad or good way to do it.

I was expecting to wake up to the feeling of Dylan's warm tongue caressing my clit just like he did once, but I got none of that. Instead, I felt him gently playing with my hair.

I was only half awake, only sensed the delicate touches of his faintly. At one point he started to trace his fingers gently over my shoulders, all the way down my arm and then back up. His light touches were so soothing that I almost fell back asleep several times.

"Happy birthday, baby." He rasped in my ear in his morning voice that I grew to love so much.

His lips ghosted over my earlobe as he talked, he moved to wrap his arm around my waist and intertwined our fingers.

In that moment I felt connected to him on a different level. For me it was even more intimate than any time he gave me pleasure.

"Thank you." I mumbled with a smile on my face, eyes still closed.

He caressed the back of my hand with his thumb as sleep slowly left my eyes.

"Can't we just stay here all day? Cuddling, watching movies, eating junk food..."

He chuckled lowly. "Don't worry, Charlie told me you wouldn't want us to throw a big party." He pressed a kiss on my neck. "Let's say we go down and have breakfast with them, and then have the whole day to ourselves, how does it sound?"

I hummed in approve and nuzzled my head further back to be closer to him. "I'd love that."

After cuddling in bed for another half an hour, we somehow managed to get up, have a shower and get dressed to go and join Thomas and Charlie.

They were already waiting for us in the big, common kitchen when we arrived, walking hand in hand. I got so used to be close to him every minute of every day that I can't go a second without touching him in some way. I feel kind of empty, cold when we are apart.

"Here's my 19-year-old little sister." Charlie stood up and raised his arms to engulf me in a hug. I smiled as my face was squished against his cheek, the number sounded a bit foreign.

When we pulled away, two arms were closed around my body again, Thomas cheering happily.

"Happy birthday, Lu." He pulled back and held my arms as he looked at me like a proud big brother. He also saw me going through hell and probably was happy to see me happy and relaxed even if it lasts only for today. I still had my concerns about the gang, about Mr. Campbell, about us. But today I decided to push it to the back of my head and deal with them later, I wanted to allow myself to enjoy today.

"We'll make your favorite for breakfast."

I furrowed my brows in thinking. Do I have a favorite thing to have for breakfast?

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