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If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise

The next day was a whole blur. I insisted once again to join Dylan and Charlie as they were working on rescuing Nick, but Dylan still treated me like a fragile little girl. He kept everything in secret, putting on an act whenever I asked about the progress.

Charlie wasn't as good at hiding though, I could tell how stressful he was. I tried to talk to him privately, hoping that he'll fill me in, but it was obvious he wasn't telling me the whole truth.

"Getting him out is bit more difficult than how I anticipated it." That's the only information I got.

I get that they want to protect me from the anxiety, but I'm already in the middle of this mess, I don't think it matters anymore.

So I spent the majority of the day walking around, or sitting outside in the small backyard, although I had to come back in after some time because it was too cold as we got closer and closer to the approaching winter.

I sensed that I was getting back my old self, my strength slowly coming back so I didn't feel my body as a heavy weight that I had to drag around. I often used the stairs instead of the elevator, and I wasn't panting and choking on my breath now.

Today went fairly the same. I was woken up by Dylan peppering kisses all over my face while whispered sweet nothings in his morning voice. During my lifetime I never really experienced what it is like to wake up with a smile on your face, but I got it from Dylan every time.

He was working on some stuff with my brother while I was in Thomas' room, laughing about some nonsense.

He told me he was free today so I could join him to do nothing together. I adored his careless persona, how he managed to lighten up the mood in any situation. We were laughing hysterically about a story when he was on his very first mission, when his door was opened.

Dylan walked right in followed by Charlie. He walked over to where I was sitting on Thomas' bed, taking my face in his hands.

"Hey, babe." He planted a small kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Hello to you too, asshole." Thomas grumbled playfully from behind him.

Dylan just rolled his eyes and moved to sit down next to me.

I saw how Charlie was standing by the door kind of awkwardly so I patted the bed on my other side to invite him to join us.

"Is Nick out yet?" I decided to shoot my shot by asking about the progress.

"We managed to find some footage and we might try to put on a fake alibi too if it's necessary, but we sent in the report telling we should open up the case again and find new evidences. I don't know how long it takes to get any answer back though..."

I had an uneasy feeling, because what if they send it back saying they need more proof or something?

"And what about the gang?" I asked, always scared of the answer.

"They've stayed low since the incident, we have no information about their whereabouts or what they're doing." Dylan said quietly.

I was a bit confused. "But why? Why are they hiding? Are they scared of a revenge?"

"Either this or they're planning something." Thomas decided to break the silence, and my face paled as I turned to look at Dylan. He was busy sending daggers at Thomas, before he caught my gaze and his face softened.

"We don't know anything yet, so let's not jump to conclusions, yeah?"

We were all silent for a while, I tried to shove back every fear of mine and all the worst case scenarios that crossed my mind. I was pulled out of my train of thoughts as Dylan placed a gentle hand on my thigh.

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