Sniper Scythes and Candy Canes (Christmas special)

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This will be the last chapter for this fic, as I am rewriting it with many changes, big and small. This will be a Christmas chapter.

Merry Christmas everybody!




Ruby Rose was often called many things.

Most days she was called optimistic, happy, cheerful and upbeat.

This was not one of those days.

The red and green lights of Christmas spread across the city of Vale, like the wings of a bird sheltering its eggs. Children laughed and played, parents jogged after the kids, smiling and laughing alongside their offspring. Ruby sighed

It had been quite a while since her mother had held her comfortably.

She dwelled in the past, something that she rarely did.

And yet, here she was recalling the happy memories she had with her first friend.

Jaune Arc.

She just couldn't shake the wet, disgusting feeling of guilt that pulled upon her back, weighing her down.

She closed her eyes, attempting to drown out the happy memories that brought a painful feeling to her gut. The songs and tales of Christmas helping to do so.

She knew that no matter how fast she was, she wouldn't have been able to save her friend from the claws of the Grimm.

She may not have initiated it, but Ruby knew that she could've done something to prevent Jaune's "death".

She might as well have called it a suicide.

Her blood-red cloak swayed behind her like her older sister's golden hair, the cold air blowing gently across hers. Crescent Rose hid behind the cloak, away from the peeping eyes of the public citizens, who would have most definitely asked why a fifteen-year girl was carrying such a weapon.

Her silver eyes darted from window to window, each shop containing presents, wrappings and candy canes as decoration. Many had placed their products on a decorated pedestal, advertising as the "The perfect Christmas present for your loved one"

She was trying to find a gift for her deceased friend, not her lover.

Ruby Rose didn't know the first thing about love.

Crushes didn't count, at least that was what her father said when she stupidly, and embarrassingly said that she was going to marry her crush.

Was it kind of stupid of her to give a present to a dead person?

Sort of. Did she care? No.

"Hmm... Hey Jaune!" Ruby chirped, her head looking up from her comic book and facing toward Jaune's

"H-wuh?" The blonde-haired student sputtered, surprised by Ruby's sudden attempt at a conversation.

"What's your favourite comic book?" The shorter student asked, her knees up to her chest as she smiled at the boy.

"Um, well... I guess it would be the Steve and Alex adventure series..."

"Really! Well, that's my second favourite series, right after Gumball and Lazserblast!"

"Oh, well, they're pretty cool as well," Jaune said, flipping to another page on his comic book. The two sat together in the library, just reading cool books - mostly comics - to pass the time, it was a weekend and both of their teams didn't expect to do much, so the two decided to have fun over comics and superheroes.

/tp Remnant (BEING REWRITTEN!)Where stories live. Discover now