Balancing Promises

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It's been just over a year since, I became Spider-Woman. Is it hard to balance, regular life and the life of a hero? Oh, yeah. But I think I manage pretty well.
I slipped on my suit this morning and began my usual patrol, and swinging, through New York City.
"Woo! What do you have for me today, New York." I laughed to myself as I swung around.
"Reporting live from New York one chopper. An Oscorp truck carrying plutonium has been hijacked. A police chase is in progress." The new's reporter said.
"All right, let's get to work." I changed my direction and headed toward's the police chase.

The hijacked truck, smashed through the barrier of NYPD police cars. As the rest of the department sped after him.
"Say hello to Aleksei Sytsevich!" The criminal laughed maniacally, inside the cab of the stolen vehicle.
Men on the back of the truck were attempting to get inside to take the stolen plutonium. The NYPD surrounded the eighteen wheeler blocking him in. Aleksei crashed into one of the police car's and drove right over the side of the police car, crushing it beneath his wheels.

I swung my way up the street and took a sharp turn to engage the high speed pursuit.
"Spider-Woman!" A pedestrian down below me called out happily as I sung by.
"Hello, pedestrians!" I called out to them.

I lifted my feet and pushed myself forward on my final swing and landed on the edge of the big truck, near the driver's side door. I knocked on the window.
"Uh, knock, knock! Mr. Criminal. Hey, my name is Spider-Woman." He finally opened up the window. "You can call me, web head, you can call me amazing, just don't call me late for dinner, you get it?" I chuckled at my own joke. Aleksei tried to punch me one one hand and I easily ducked and avoided it. "Whoa!"
I ducked down and jumped onto the roof of the truck and sat down, my feet hanging near his face.
"I guess, you're not a shaker. Are you a hugger?" He pulled out a gun and let go of the steering wheel.
"I am killer!" He said in a thick Russian accent.
"Whoa! Okay!" I moved out of the way of the window as he shot out a couple of automatic rounds.

"Warning, plutonium 238 is a radioactive material and is highly explosive." The computer device, containing the plutonium said to the men trying to break into it.

A balding, dark skinned man, with big framed glasses, walked down the street of New York, carrying load's of blue print in his hand's. Getting bumped into like he was invisible.
"Excuse me." Max Dillon the Oscorp employee called out as he walked. "There's more room on the sidewalk, folks, please. I got blue print's here!"
"Watch it!" An unknown man collided with him and angrily shouted back at him.
All of Max's blueprint's fell from his hand's and they scattered across the sidewalk.
"A little help?" Max called out trying to grab them.
No one stopped to help and everyone that walked by kicked and pushed the blueprint's away. Some of the blue print's crossing into the road. Max crossed into the lane of traffic and began picking up his blueprints.

I leaned into the window of the truck as Aleksei struggled with the stuck gun.
"You having a problem with your gun? Let me help you out with that." As he struggled with the gun, I turned the steering wheel of the large truck, rounding a sharp corner. "Whoops, coming through!"
Max continued picking up his blueprint's from the ground mumbling thing's to himself.
"Oh this is bad. Uh, I'm gonna be right back." I told the criminal as I noticed the lane's of traffic ahead of us and Max in the center of the road. The truck crashed through the intersection as I swung out to grab Max. "Head's up, watch out!" I tackled him down to the ground as an oncoming flying taxi, zoomed by our heads. "Whew! Okay, there you go." I helped him to his feet and smiled under my mask. "You okay? You all right?"
"You're Spider-Woman." Max said in shock. His glasses sat crooked on his face and I reached out fixing them for him.
"Costume gives it away, huh?" I webbed up the rest of his blueprints. "Look, these look pretty important, Max." I handed them to him as I read his Oscorp name badge.
"Max. How do you know my name?" He asked breathlessly.
"It's on your badge." I held it up.
"I'm a nobody." He looked down to the ground sadly.
"Hey, you're not a nobody. You're a somebody." I lifted his face as i spoke to him. "All right, listen to me. Now, I need you. You're my eyes and ears out here."
"All right?"
"All right." His face brightened with a smile and I lightly tapped his cheek.
"Good. I'll see you out there!" I shot out a web and started back after the truck.

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