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Later that night, I was supposed to meet Peter for a pizza date. I walked up the the restaurant and looked inside the window, seeing him sitting there alone. He looked at his watch and his gaze moved upward's meeting mine. He smiled and I shook my head.
I packed back and forth outside, mumbling to myself over and over. What am I doing?
"Cate?" Peter called out softly walking over to me. "What is it?"
"Hey." I said softly, trying to contain my tears.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked concerned and wrapped me up into his arms.
"I don't know what I'm doing. I saw him again. Every time thing's feel normal and feel like they're going right, I just get this awful feeling like something bad's going to happen."

"I know it's okay. We've talked about this. It's not his choice, it's your's. Instead of focusing on the negative's try focusing on the positive's." He smiled, leaning back and looking into my blue eyes with his big brown ones.
"Peter." I sighed.
"Think about them." He repeated softly. "We've been together for how long now?"
"A year..." I mumbled.
"That's right. That's a whole year that nothing has gone wrong. You've been able to balance your lives while being with me. You kept your promise and kept Gwen at a distance, I know that hurt's you. But I'm here for you, through it all. You can't completely isolate yourself. And another positive, I love you and you love me, right?"
"Right." I nodded.
"See? You're strong and you can do this." He leaned his forehead against mine.
"But, I still can't get over the fact that something could happen to you. It would be because of me and it would be my fault. Just like with Uncle Bob and with Captain Stacy. I-I can't let that happen..." I explained and a tear ran down my cheek.

"Listen to me. Yes, those thing's happened. You can blame yourself all you want, but neither instance was your fault. Thing's happen and people die. You can't let their death's stop you from living your own life. You are Spider-Woman and that's an incredible responsibility and burden that you carry and I love that about you. But, I love Cate Barrett more. I had you long before her existence and I'll be there long after. In life or death, I'll be with you in here and that is my choice. That's worth it to me." He said firmly as he pointed to my heart with one hand and wiped my tear's with the other.

"How are you so good at this convincing thing?" I laughed through my tears.
"Because, I'm meant to be your voice of reason." He laughed. "Now, come on. I know your hungry. Let's eat." He wrapped and arm around my shoulder and we walked inside the pizza place together.
I held his word's in my heart and smiled. But, that nagging feeling of something going wrong stayed in the back of my mind.

I jumped from a building and soared through the air, with my arm's out wide.
"Good morning, New Yorker's. Looking for another beautiful day here in the city." A female radio show host said.
I shot out a web and began swinging forward.
"A few clouds to start us off..."
"The steady increase in sighting's of Spider-Woman has sparked a national debate on the role of vigilantism in American Crime Fighting..."
"How about that Spider-Woman? Last night on the Manhattan Bridge, she saved a dozen lives. We wanna hear your thought's!"
The increased amount of report's poured in over the new's outlet's as I was around more now that I wasn't trying to balance school.

I swung through the village and found a group of kid's running after a smaller little girl, carrying something in her hands. The boy's and girl's took the project from her and began kicking it and smashing it into the ground. I jumped down inbetween the girl and the group of bullies.

"I think, without Spider-Woman, there'd be no hope for this city."  One caller said.
"Who do you think pay's the bills for all the damages she causes, huh?" Another caller said. "It's you and me... Taxpayer's!"

I looked at the group of kid's and they all ran away in the opposite direction. I turned around and bent down looking at her project.
"Wow, did you make this?" I asked her enthusiastically.
"Yeah." She replied shyly.
"This is a wind turbine! You really made this? Naw, there's no way. This is seriously so good. Amazing even! Here." I shot some webbing and reattached the pieces together as her smile began to grow. I spun the turbine. "It's as good as new now, right? Don't let anyone ever tell you because you're a girl that you can't do something. How about I walk you home?" I ruffled her hair and she giggled with a nod. "What's your name?"
"Georgina? Well, I'm Spider-Woman." I said as I walked her home.

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