Chapter 6: Welcome to the Family

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In the halls of Beacon Academy, two sisters walk about as the short scrawny one tries to counsel the angry slutty one.

Ruby: Yang, it's okay. We'll get it back somehow.

Yang: He stole my fricking BUMBLEBEE! Auuurgh, dad even told me to get insurance for it. But I said "Nooooo. It'll be fiiiine! I'll just beat up anyone that tries to steal it!" He's never gonna let me live this down... (y/n) is SO dead!

As Ruby makes another attempt to quell Yang's plans to murder someone, the two come across two familiar members of a familiar team.

Ruby: Hey, look. It's Patina and Kiwi.

Ruby waves them over, hoping to distract Yang long enough to calm her down. The two girls see her waving and walk over to them. The sisters immediately spot the splint keeping Kiwi's arm in place. A pissed off expression on her face that could rival Yang's.

Patina: Hey Ruby, Yang.

Kiwi: *grunt*

Ruby: Hey there... Where's Naple?

Patina: Still in the infirmary, getting high on painkillers. He's stuck in bed until the pain subsides enough for him to walk again.

Yang: Geez. He's been in there since yesterday. How bad is it?

Kiwi: He sounds like a chick whenever he tries to talk.

The punk girl sports a small grin from the hilarious imagery as Patina shakes her head. That's when Ruby has a thought about the whole thing.

Ruby: Say, do either of you know why (y/n) would do this to you guys?

Patina:.... We have no idea! We were seeing if he wanted to hang out with us over the weekend, when suddenly, he just attacks us out of nowhere.

Kiwi nods in agreement. This just leaves Ruby more confused and worried. Why would someone like (y/n) suddenly hurt people? Sure, he's not exactly treated fairly by other students, but he always seemed to try and avoid violence.

Patina: Anyway, we have to get going. There's a group project in Professor Port's class that we have to revise, now that there's only three people in the group.

The duo take their leave as they pass by the sisters. As the two round a corner far enough away, Patina lets out an annoyed sigh.

Patina: Well, this whole thing went sideways.

Kiwi: I'm still not talking to you.

Patina: You technically are talking to me. And are you still butthurt about me not helping yesterday?

Kiwi: YES! For fuck sake, he broke my God damn arm and man-checked the shit out of Naple! While you, oh fearless leader, just stood around with your thumb up your ass!

Patina: And it's because of those two facts that I didn't try to step in. If you could stop getting pissed and use your brain for one second, that would be great. So think, when was the last time (y/n) has ever fought back?

Kiwi: Never.

Patina: Exactly. Plus, he's never had an attitude like that before. So given all that and the fact he laid you both out in a minute, means something is very wrong with him. Even his aura felt off.

Kiwi: His aura?

Patina: Let's just say I have a talent for reading people... I don't know. Best to just let the Headmaster deal with it. Until then... *sigh* We're gonna have to do our own essays.

Kiwi: Aaw, fuck! I forgot we had him do everything.

With a collective sigh, they walked off to the library to see what homework they have to do themselves.

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