Chapter 8: Good ol' switcheroo

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As the sun sets, life in Junior's Club begins to die down as it nears closing. Normally, it would be open for several more hours through the night, but not tonight. For tonight, the Xiong Family have something special planned. That being thievery, of course.

At the bar, Pen helps with cleaning glasses while Junior and the Malachite twins sit around and get free drinks. Benefits of being the owner and bouncers. As the goon reaches for another glass, he lets out an annoyed sigh as he looks around the empty club. Nothing but other goons and a handful of drunk patrons.

Pen: Where the hell is (y/n)? He was supposed to help with cleaning.

Miltia: Who?

Melanie: The new guy.

Miltia: Oh.

Junior: He said he was stepping out for a minute to get something.

Pen: Well I hope he gets back soon, I'm tired of cleaning glasses by myself, and we have an hour until we head out for the docks.

Junior: Relax, he assured me that he'll be back before we get ready. Until then; Another refill.

He extends his empty glass to Pen, giving it a shake as the ice jingle around. The gang member rolls his eyes behind his sunglasses as he grabs the glass and refills it with alcohol. As he prepares to hand it back, the front doors slam open as two figures walk in. Well, more like one shoving the other through. This catches the attention of everyone who isn't blackout drunk as the boy in question leads a faunus to the bar at gunpoint.

(Y/n) proceeds to push and lightly pistol whip Tuscany over to the bar, all while the faunus has his hands up. As they get closer, the shocked club owner spots that the crow boy has been roughed up before even entering the building. Wanting an explanation, Junior gets up and walks over to the two.

Junior: (y/n), what the hell?!

(Y/n): Ah, hey boss! Just the guy I wanted to see. As for the hell, I just wanted to get to know your "contact" a little better and I learned something that you might want to hear. Go ahead, Tuscany, tell him.

He pushes his gun into the feather haired boy, signaling him to talk. The boy in question just remains awkwardly silent as he tries to avoid Junior's stare. This seems to piss off (y/n), as he suddenly whips him over the head, causing the faunus to fall over in pain as he shields his injured cranium.

(Y/n): Tell him, or I'm paying your dad a visit!

Tuscany: I-I-It's a trap! You're heading into a trap!

His fumbled out burst catches everyone's attention, especially Junior's. (Y/n) just leans down as he stares daggers at him.

(Y/n): What. Is?

Tuscany: The warehouse I told you about! The White Fang found out I--

(Y/n) fires a round close to the dock worker's head, scaring him and any patrons sober enough to know when to leave.

Tuscany: I-I told them that I give you information on shipments! They didn't want competition for the Dust, so they planned to ambush you at the warehouse!

(Y/n): Aaannd?

He pushes the barrel of the gun into the scared faunus' head.

Tuscany: Th-The actual shipment is being stored in warehouse 18! That's all I know, I swear!

Keeping his gun trained on Tuscany's head, (y/n) stands back up and looks to Junior. Practically asking permission with his eyes. The gang leader just stares down at the feathered faunus on the ground, his face almost expressionless for the time being.... Until it turned to that of rage as he lifts up a foot and brings it down on his former contact's head, stomping his face into the floor. Then again. And again. And again until the faunus' face, his shoe, and the floor surrounding the boy's head are coated in blood.

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