Chapter 9: Pit stop

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[Location: Junior's Club]

Today is a good day for Junior. After the success of his crew swiping those crates of Dust, he now has more than he knows what to do with. Unfortunately, the phrase too much of a good thing is a bitch, so now he needs to figure out how to get rid of most of it before the authorities decide to look his way. Thankfully, he still has some contacts willing to do business with the Xiong's.

Junior just works through some papers as he crunches some numbers in his office.

Junior: Ok. Thirty five crates in total, sell five to that merc group in Vacuo, ten back to the Schnee company, sell fifteen later, and keep five for reserves...

Making a few more adjustments, he leans back in his seat in a stretch as he swivels around. As he does so, he spots an old hand axe hanging on a wall. The wooden handle split halfway down the middle and riddled with splinters, while the axe head is coated in a fine layer of rust. However, a small amount of Mistral writing can be made out under the brown coating. Translating to "The Axe Gang".

A simple reminder of where his family came from.

As he reminisces in better times, his scroll rings, grabbing his attention. Picking it up, he sees the caller ID is from Bouncer #1. He hits answer and places itbto his ear.

Junior: Hey, Mel. What's up?

Melanie: We've got all the Dust stashed away where you wanted them. So far, from what we're hearing, the White Fang are the only one's being blamed for the missing shipments. So the cops won't be too suspicious of us.

Junior: Good to hear. Make sure two of our guys stay to keep an eye on the new merch.

With a verbal confirmation, Melanie hangs up. Junior pulls his scroll from his ear and prepares to dial a number. He stops before pressing the first button after he realizes something.... So he puts in a different number.

Junior: That (y/n) kid needs to get a scroll soon.

Putting in the last digit, he brings the scroll back up to his ear. It barely makes it to two rings before being answered.

Pen: Yeah, boss?

Junior: Say, you know where (y/n) is? I got a job for him and a few other goons.

Pen: I think he mentioned something about putting his new bonus to good use.

[Location: Vale auto body shop]

Today is a great day for you. Thanks to your suggestion to call the cops on that White Fang booby trap, you got a little bonus for a flawless swipe. And you knew exactly what to spend it on.

After an hour or so of waiting, you're called from the shop lounge room to the garage by a mechanic. With a little energy in your step, you happily follow the grease monkey through the door and into a room full of vehicles, tools, paint, and other wrench jockeys hard at work. A little ways away, you soon spot what you came here for...

And your pants get a little tight from what you see.

Sitting before you on a stained white tarp is the motorcycle you stole once upon a time. What was once a yellow and orange bike is now black and red. Black in the back fading to red near the front, ending on a crimson tinted window. On the back panel, just above the wheel, is the bike's new name written in red. Little Bear... At least you hope it's what it says. It's in that Mistral chicken scratch language you don't understand, so it could say marmalade pigeon shit for all you know. None the less, it looks cool.

Mechanic: Aside the new paint job, we added a new exhaust to help keep her quiet without lowering performance, replaced the suspensions so she rides better on rougher terrain, replaced the dashboard with something shinier, and I don't know who owned this ride before, but the poor thing's breaks and lubricant were in need of replacing.

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