Chapter 10: Necessary requirement

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[Location: Ozpin's office]

It's a particularly slow day in Beacon Academy. All the more convenient for Ozpin to continue the search for a particularly missing student. As he remains seated in his weird clockwork office, he accesses his computer and opens up all file reports on (y/n) Goodwitch. Thanks to cameras scattered around the city and facial recognition, he was be able to track down the boy with minimal difficulty... Which disappoints the Headmaster to no end when he only manages to pull up two videos related to the runaway student.

One of him leaving the school along with recent events afterwards, and one of him just outside the warehouse district. Both giving the old professor equal concerns.

The first shows (y/n) exiting the academy with a stolen motorcycle. Later investigation along with a complaint revealed the vehicle belonging to Yang Xiao Long, another of Ozpin's students. The video then shows the boy entering the city, then suddenly entering an alleyway on foot. And this is when the old man's concerns began.

Not long after, (y/n) is shown exiting the alley with an unknown person in black. Both of whom appear to be covered in blood. Judging by their movements, only the stranger appears to be hurt. Ozpin soon remembers of a report on two dead bodies found in that same alley. One with multiple stab wounds, and the other succumbing to severe head trauma.

Unfortunately, the video ends with both (y/n) and the stranger riding on the bike off screen. No further videos were found due to cameras being broken or not located in the right places. Only for him to reappear days later, almost on the otherside of the city. This video only raising more worry for Ozpin.

In the next video, (y/n) appears to be walking towards the warehouse district, waiting almost several hours while stopping whoever exited the warehouse grounds, before finally appearing to have a small conversation with what looked like a worker.

Before suddenly holding the worker at gunpoint.

Once again, (y/n) managed to disappear off camera while forcing the person to follow. Ozpin had managed to find a report relating to the victim. Tuscany Clawthorn, a warehouse employee who was found dead in a dumpster two days after this video was recorded. Autopsy showed cause of death was multiple blows to the head from possibly being stomped on.

And that was all the footage of the student Ozpin could find. So far, he is very much concerned with what is happening to (y/n).

Moving on from the video files, he opens another file related to the student. Most of which involved his immediate activities before leaving. Taking a sip from the cup of coffee he had the whole time, he reads over the events of that day.

Beginning on a Friday afternoon, the room of team PNKY was discovered to have been heavily damaged. Afterwards, (y/n) had a confrontation with another student, Cardin Winchester, before assaulting him. Later on, he was found making his way towards the exit of the school grounds before being confronted by his team. Some words were exchanged before they too were attacked, with only the team leader coming out unscathed. It was around this time Ozpin started hearing about (y/n)'s actions.

Moving on, reports then tell that (y/n) had broken into the school garage and stolen a motorcycle from another student. And that's where the video footage comes in. While all these reports and evidence would damn the boy from misconduct and possible murder, further investigation of team PNKY's room revealed some... disturbing implications.

Several scraps of paper revealed a depressing experience of (y/n)'s time in Beacon, along with a crumpled up suicide note. The discovery of the ceiling fan outside the building also revealed a makeshift noose attached to it. Autopsy of the noose showed traces of skin flakes embedded in the fabric.... With this information, Ozpin is hesitant on informing Glynda. While she is still able to teach her classes without issue, the revelation of her son's attempted suicide would devastate her.

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