Chapter 24: Finale

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This phenomenon is referred to as "Resurrection Syndrome." A case in which one's very soul sacrifices a part of itself to revive the body from death. And this one part is always the same... Their memories. The life experiences that made up their very character. Lost, in the hopes that the individual may live on. However, it seems this sacrifice is surprisingly selective, while the mental memories are gone, their muscle memories remain intact. I am still trying to figure out as to how that works.

Now, another interesting thing about this effect is the switch in personality, and this is in relation to what I have said earlier. While one's memories are gone. So, too, are their primary, strong, dominant emotions. Leaving room for their weaker or repressed emotions to grow like a wildfire. That being said, if one were to have the training of a fighter, but the mentality of a coward, the Resurrection Syndrome would create a warrior capable of fighting to the death like an animal.

There is one thing that aggravates me about this phenomenon, however. Its peculiarity is as interesting as it is rare. For the thousands of years that I have lived, I have only discovered thirteen individuals that were affected. There is no indication as to who may have it or why it happens. The only way of knowing is if you are aware of Resurrection Syndrome and know of someone who has come back from the dead. Otherwise, it is merely folklore deep within certain legends.


Deep within a Grimm infested Wasteland stands the Evernight Castle. Deep within that castle lies the conference hall. Deep within that conference hall sits the greatest threat to all of Remnant, Salem. An imposing woman in black with a snow white complexion riddled with lines of black veins. In her hands is an opened weathered journal filled with old yellow pages. With a simple squeeze, she slams the book shut as she looks up and over to a seat on her left.

Salem: And that, Dr. Watts, is what is "wrong" with Tyrian. Once I had learned of Resurrection Syndrome's potential, I started seeking out combat capable individuals in hopes of creating a useful tool for my goals... Unfortunately, the rarity of causing it is frustratingly low. In the hundreds of years in attempting the Syndrome, untold hundreds killed to accomplish it, I have only succeeded twice. Tyrian...

She waves her hand over to her right. Watts follows this gesture and sees Tyrian sitting across from him. The scorpion faunus' attention entirely focused on a beetle scurrying across the table. He slams his hand on the table, blocking the insect's path. It turns, he does the same with the other hand. As the bug tried to run away again, a scorpion tail appears from behind the sadistic faunus and impales the beetle. Tyrian simply lets out a demented giggle as his prey fruitlessly tries to escape.

Salem: And before him, many years ago, a girl named Tock.

Watts:.... Duly noted.

The good doctor decides to shut his mouth for the rest of the day. Although a man of science, the fact he was given a small survey on something he believed to be drivel is now true, this is the last time he will ask anything about the demented man-servent sitting in front of him--Oop, and Tyrian is now eating the beetle. Great... Giving it some thought, it is genuinely hard to imagine the faunus being anything less than a deranged psychopath in a previous life.

Just then, the doors to the conference hall open, revealing four individuals walking through. Three of them being Emerald, Mercury, and Neo. With the last, Roman, wobbling in wearing a cast and a neck brace. The seasoned criminal now putting that walking cane to actual use. Salem turns her sharp gaze at the group with a look that almost borders on emotionless and apathetic.

Salem: Ah, you've finally returned... Where is Cinder?

Roman, doing his best not to shit out his entrails, carefully turns towards the two kiddies that were the underlings of the girl in question. Mint chocolate is pretty much useless after her pimp was declared dead. The definitely-not-black Mr. Black does his worst to comfort his friend without benefits. Turning in the other direction, doing his best not to worry about that popping sound in his back, he sees his ice cream themed right-hand. Who gives Roman reassuring words in the form of two thumbs up.

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