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Leah sighed as she sat at the table in Emily's kitchen. Her best friend had been non-stop messaging her, but because of Sam's stupid rule, she couldn't talk to her. Leah missed her bubbly, happy, carefree best friend.

Many people wonder how Leah and Alice were friends. Alice was bubbly, happy, and carefree. You could always find her singing, dancing, or running around La push with a smile on her face. While Leah was the opposite, she was cautious, moody, and level-headed, she was the one to always keep Alice out of trouble.

Emily looked over to where Leah was moping. She frowned and looked at Sam and the rest of the boys as they entered. Sam made his way to his fiancee and peppered her face with small kisses as the rest of the boys made their way over to the table.

Emily set a tray of food down and immediately they all dove in. Suddenly, their dinner was interrupted by the front door opening. A middle-aged man with blonde hair walks in and looks at Sam. Emily smiles at the man, "Hi Mark, what brings you by?"

"I need your guy's help. I know that with the whole phasing rule, you shouldn't help me but I really need your help." Mark says.

Leah furrowed her brows, Mark White knew of the shifters because he was their doctor and a member of the council. Which means that if he was asking for help it had to be important. "What's wrong?" Leah asked.

Mark sighs, " Alice hasn't come home, and she's not answering any of my calls. Ever since you guys stopped talking she hasn't been her happy, bubbly self. She hasn't been home since this morning and I'm starting to worry. She's my little girl, she's all I have left."

Emily sends Mark a kind smile, "We will help you find her,"

Sam nods, as well as the rest of the pack. They all quickly stand and make their way out the door. "Mark and I will check around town, you guys check the woods," Emily orders as she grabs her keys and gets in her truck. Everyone nods and quickly heads out. Sam, Leah, Seth, Jared, Paul, Jacob, Embry, and Quil all phase and run into the woods.

"Who are we looking for exactly? Jared asked.

Leah quickly thinks of Alice's face so they all would know what she looks like.

"We are looking for Alice White, my best friend," Leah states

"She's hot," Embry says

Leah rolls her eyes and huffs. "Shut up," she snaps.

"Split up. Howl if you find her," Sam orders before he takes off further into the woods.

 Howl if you find her," Sam orders before he takes off further into the woods

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After about 2 hours of looking Leah hears a howl. She quickly races back to Emily's where she finds the rest of the pack crowded around the couch. She quickly runs over and pushes her way through the sea of boys. And there, sleeping on the couch, layed Alice. Leah quickly scanned her body for any injuries but found none, only patches of mud and dirt.

Mark bursts through the door and quickly makes his way over to where everyone stood. He kneels down and gently touches her face, careful not to wake her. He looks over to Sam, "Where did you find her?" he asks.

"She was asleep in a ditch. It seems she fell and couldn't get back out, I found her phone laying in the grass at the top." Sam hands Mark a phone. He looks at it before sliding it into his pocket.

"Thank you for finding my little girl," Mark says.

Sam nods, "You know we have to tell her about us right," he states.

Mark sighs, "I know. I'll bring her over tomorrow and we can talk." he says before gently picking her up and carrying her out of the house.

I'm sorry this chapter sucks

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I'm sorry this chapter sucks. This is just a filler.

White Rabbit~ P. Lahote (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now