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AS the waffles popped out of toaster, a hand carefully trying to grab the warm breakfast by the sides, but failing miserably, sending a yelp to come out of their mouth.

"Ouch!" Y/N hisses, the sharp burn of pain hitting her fingers. She waves her hand around to try and cool down her hand, blowing on the index finger.

A grumpy, tired voice was muffled by the food in the man's mouth, pointing towards the female, "You gotta be careful with that, kid."

"Sheesh I know that dad!"

"Well if you know that, then don't do it," Hopper rolled his eyes, grabbing the car's keys from the hook, "Now I'm heading out early to meet Joyce. Then I'm going to meet another group for a search."

"What?!" Y/N exclaims while hurrying to place the sticky syrup on the soft, thick waffles satisfying her nostrils, but making her sneeze, "Are you going to tell her what I saw? I could come along and help-"

"No, you have school which is a priority, and you're sick," Her father sharply mumbled the response, letting Y/N's mouth hang open, "We aren't sure if it was Will or not anyways, we can't tell Mrs. Byers so she wouldn't get so... Overwhelmed."


"Yes, overwhelmed."

The girl stuffed her face with the breakfast, upsettingly gabbling at the bearded man, "How overwhelmed? I know what I saw! What if it was Will and we just didn't want to say anything because we could overwhelm Joyce?! The mother always needs to know she-"

Next thing Y/N noticed that no one was listening to her statement as in she was alone in the small home. Hopper was already turning the car engine on, like a regular Tuesday morning. Sighing angrily, she sped towards the door to almost trip by the front porch, catching up to the car door, swinging it open.

"I cannot believe you forgot your one and only daughter!"

Chatter of crowds walking past Y/N as soon as she walked out of the vehicle, she frantically waved. Her father drove off before she could say anything, he seemed more in a rush knowing about Will's situation and helping his family, more than herself. Y/N stood alone for a quick second to think until a guy on a skateboard drove past her in a vast amount of speed in front of the school. She sighs and clutches to her backpack, finding a familiar female standing in patience.

"It's Barbie!" Y/N jokes loudly enough for the red-head to hear from the vast distance they were parted from. The girl whom she was calling out for, whipped her head around to make eye contact and smiling. Y/N walked towards Barb, before she bumps shoulders with none other than Nancy, with her crystal blue eyes squinting at her, while she nudged her friend, "I see you've been up to some studying."

"What?!" Nancy's face expressed her surprised feeling, watch the two other girls smiles widen cheekily. She realized that they could read her like an open book, her face turning slightly pink as the three of them walked in the entrance of the school, "How did you know-"

"I guessed," Y/N tilts her head and slings an arm around Nancy, "It's kind of obvious if you think about it. Mike said you were going to hang out with Steve last night."

Nancy rolls her eyes with a failed poker face. She shakes her head and hands both Y/N and Barb a stack of flashcards as they traveled inside the full enough hallways, "Maybe be a little more useful and help me study."

"So did you study or not?!" Y/N's eyebrows rose, receiving the flashcards and flipped through them, earning a subtle glare from Nancy.

"When alpha particles go through gold foil," Barb spoke upon them, helping Nancy study by asking the question, "They become...."

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