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Bonds and Thoughts

"IS there something wrong with the meatloaf?"

Y/N and the boys' eyes shot up from the full plates of vegetables and the main course of the meatloaf, it was extremely bland and didn't taste the best. Karen lifted her eyebrows and awaited an answer.

"Oh, no, I had two bologna Sandwiches for lunch," Dustin lied, lifting up his fork awkwardly, "I don't know why."

Lucas chuckles nervously, as he looked at Dustin and smiled at Karen, "Me, too."

"I'm not as hungry," Y/N weakly grinned, putting down her glass of water, her stomach loudly grumbled and the boys shifted their glance at her, knowing she was lying too.

"It's delicious, Mommy," Nancy softly speaks and tilts her head lovingly, complimenting her mother.

"Thank you sweetie," Karen smiles, taking a bite from the slice of meat on her fork, Holly nodded in approval happily.

"So there's this special assembly thing... tonight for Will at the school field," Nancy began slowly, "Barb's driving."

"Why am I just hearing about this?" Her mother questionably asked. Y/N knew Karen Wheeler was an involved mother in her kids' lives, it made her want a mother figure to care and look out for her as well.

Nancy shot back, "I thought you knew."

"I told you I don't want you out after dark until Will is found," Mrs. Wheeler advised cautiously, she was especially worried about her children being out all the time.

"I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there," She made up, Y/N knew it was a lie, it was only a way to have an alibi if Nancy attends the party Steve is hosting, "I mean everyone's going."

Karen replied, suspiciously, "Even Y/N? You know she's extremely close to Will and you didn't mention her going right?"

Nancy's eyes shot to make eye contact with Y/N's. It was a look for her to help her. Y/N sighed, giving up and lied,"Yeah, I'm going, I just forgot since so much happened today."

"Great! Barb can drive both of you, just be back by 10:00," Mrs. Wheeler sighs, shaking her head, "Why don't you take the boys too?"

"No!" Lucas and Mike yelped aloud, Dustin mumbled a disapproving answer. Karen was startled that Will's friends wouldn't want to attend his ceremony.

"Don't you think you should be there for Will?"

As Mrs. Wheeler stared down the boys who were trying to make up an excuse in their heads, Nancy mouthed a 'thank you' towards Y/N, but in return, Y/N rolled her eyes and focused on the peas on her plate rolling around the porcelain material. Y/N's eyes focused on the peripheral view in her vision, she noticed the girl named Eleven take steps down the stairs into the hallway. Y/N nudged Dustin to make him realize the girl, the boys' vision was focused on Eleven.

Mike was about to take a sip from his glass of milk, but he choked on it suddenly. Karen was concerned and was about to turn her head into what made the boys react so weirdly. Before anything happened, Dustin slammed his hands on the dining table, trying to distract Karen. Everybody jumped in their seats, Karen glared at the boy.

"Sorry, spasm," Dustin nervously giggled, everybody went back to their normal state of eating dinner.

The racket caused Holly to whimper in fear, Karen tried comforting her daughter sitting in the high chair, "It's okay Holly, it's just a loud noise"

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