-chapter 1-

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*running down the hallways of Shin'o academy*
"Sora if we get in trouble or if we're late I'm blaming you.!" says the pink haired friend.
"Hey that's not fair! you guys didn't tell me what time it was Reiko!!" yelled Sora
"Ooooh your gonna be in big trouble" chuckled the blue haired girl to Sora while they were running to get to class
Sora growls to the blue haired "Well if you guys kept track of the time we wouldn't be rushing to class AMI!" Sora shot back
they turn the corner and see the classrooms door up ahead and run even faster
*inside the classroom all you can hear is chatting and morning greeting's from every one until they all stop and hear the sound of rushing footsteps?. and someone yelling*
"We're almost there!! Sora yells while Ami giggles and says "Yay! Sora we're not gonna be in trouble."
sora nods in response and then they slam open the classroom door and go in with everyone staring and wondering what happened to them.
Sora sees everyone looking confused then she looks at the classrooms clock and her eyebrow starts twitching and a angry tick mark starts to form when she turns to Reiko.
"Reiko." Sora says with a really low voice
"Yes? whats up?" Reiko asks lazily but when she turns to face Sora at that exact moment she straightens up and wishes she didn't see the look Sora had then Ami who was smiling turned to see what Reiko got scared of and when she turns back to see anger radiating off of Sora she then thinks "oh man Reiko's gonna get it this time haha good luck"
"Reiko look at the clock and tell me what time it is will ya" Sora says and Reiko turns her head to see what time It is and slowly steps away from sora then says
"Its 7:34 am Sora" Sora then says
"Right you are Reiko" Sora says with an angry expression and starts to advance toward Reiko all the while Ami watches from a distance
"Now now Sora don't get mad any one could make a mistake like that come on you did last time" sora then pauses right in front of Reiko and says "Oh yea and so did Ami huh." everyone else that is watching this all become dumbfounded and were thinking "If it was anyone else she would have beat them up" they then decide to go back to what they were doing when the teacher comes in a couple minutes later.
"Alright class today we'll be taking you outside to see how good you guys got and how many of you improved" says the teacher while everyone either groans, cheers, or sighs and they all walk out to the training grounds.
"ugh I don't wanna do this I suck at kido its gonna blow up in my face again" says Sora who's now walking with her arms behind her head.
"yea well good luck with that hopefully sensei will let you slide and not do it" says Reiko walking beside her and Ami to her far left sora to her right.
"mmhmm or else everyones gonna laugh at you again like last time" says Ami who's now laughing silently about it.
".....yea hope so" Sora says and then stops to go to their spot they normally sit at when it comes to kido training.
they sit down and listen to their sensei list off everything that he's suppose to say and then starts calling up the first person to perform.
Sora leans back on here arms and says "good luck Ami your probably next after these three guys so good luck" Ami smiles and then nods.
sensei then says "Ami Sachiko its your turn" Ami stands up and walks over to sensei while he steps to the side to leave her room.
Ami takes a deep breath and lets it out and then says " Hado 31 Shakkaho!" and a big red ball of energy fly's through the field and hits the target.
"good job Ami you've improved" sensei says smiling to Ami and starts calling the next name while Ami comes to sit down with us again.
"told yea you would do good" says Sora with a smirk.
"thanks it did help I'm improving" Ami says smiling and sits on Reiko's left.
"yea I say your improving to Ami I can tell" says Reiko.
"well if Reiko says you improved Ami then you did Reiko should know she has the highest marks in our class on kido" says sora.
"Mmhm yup she does aint that right Reiko" Ami says in her childish way while Reiko just nods in approval.
"Reiko Katsu" sensei say.
"hm good luck" says Ami while Sora nods toward Reiko as if to say "yea good luck."
Reiko walks up to the spot and says "shakkaho" she hits the target and it is no longer there everyone else just sits there and looks in amazement while the sensei then says
"good job Reiko I'm glad you don't have to say the whole spell and just the name you are improving greatly keep up the good work" Reiko then says "of course sensei and I will keep up and practice some more" then she walks back over to Ami and Sora to see Ami smiling and Sora with a smirk. "I knew you had it handled I just didn't think you didn't need to say the cantation pretty impressive" says Sora then Ami buts in and says "Yea Yea I didn't know you were this good can you help me practice sometime?" Reiko then says
"yea no problem I'll help you whenever you want or when I'm not busy" Ami just nods with pure excitement will the sensei then says
" Sora Ookami" Sora then groans while everyone else looks at her she then feels everybody staring and growls and says "What! Do you want me to beat all of your guys's butts if you keep staring at me like that!!" everyone then turns facing the other direction as fast as they can while she walks up to the sensei and stand right in front of him and says "Do I have to? We all know its gonna blow up in my face again" kohaku sensei then sighs and says (yea the sensei's name is kohaku) "Yes Sora you have to I need to make sure your able to use it if not then you don't have to use it until we test again" Sora grumbles and mutters a few curse words and says " tch fine" she stand straight and then yells "Hado 31 Shakkaho!" and everyone watches while a explosion goes off and rubble flies in the air once the air clears they see Sora who is covered in black soot. "Agh I hate kido it freakin sucks" Sora says while wipping the soot off her face and goes to sit back next to Ami and Reiko who are trying to stifle their laughter
the three girls are now getting ready to sleep in their room which consist of three beds and dressers Reiko to the left Ami in the middle and Sora to the right. in the room you hear them talking.
"Why does it have to be night already its no fair" says Ami with a pout and reiko reply's
"because the days over and its time to sleep" Reiko says lazily and then they both turn to Sora. Sora Is already under her blankets and turns to her side while saying "night I need some sleep kido sucks" and with that she's out like a light and Ami giggles while saying " nighty night Sora" and hop's into her bed and falls asleep telling Reiko good night as well. Reiko then says "good night you two" and gets in bed and falls asleep.

(authors note: hm so what did you think? oh well the next chapter will be out later on today hope you read it until then my amazing readers)

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