-chapter 2-

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(Author's note: Im going to put it in point of view's in this chapter a bit later so don't freak out and tell me if you think its better to just do it that way)

*A few weeks later*
in class Sora sits in the back on the edge of the desk while Ami and Reiko sit next to her just chatting or looking around seeing what's going on
"Hey Sora" called a random boy a few seats away with a group of others around him looking to see what happens
"yea? what do you want.?" says Sora sitting down with a frown on her face looking bored.
"Did you hear some people from the seritei are coming over to see our skills and to see how good we are" says the boy looking quiet excited and happy.
"Hm you don't say yea I've heard just thought they were rumors though" says Sora with a big smirk and Reiko and Ami then say.
"eh really that's so cool "say's Ami and Reiko say.
" that's going to be interesting" a lazy smile forms on her face and then the boy gets their attention again and says
"yup I know right its going to be so cool good luck and Sora" he turns to Sora and says
"If I go against you in fighting don't kill me that's all I don't care if I get hurt just don't kill me please "He says kind of scared waiting for her response. Sora smirks and says "Tch fine whatever but you better give me one hell of a battle or else I'll knock you out before you even get to try and forfit alright" everyone who was around this group was shocked to hear that The Sora Ookami just agreed to not kill someone while the boy replied with "Thank you thank you so much I'll do my best to give you a good battle" says the boy looking very hopeful and thankful
"Sora are you really gonna not kill him" says Reiko gaining everyone's attention Sora gives Reiko a side glance and says
"Tch of course I'm not gonna kill him when I make a deal or promise I always keep it no matter what" she says smirking while everyone starts cheering and shows Sora more respect than before (before she did get respect she just earned a lot more is all) Ami and Reiko start smiling and think to themselves "She always does we just want to let everyone now that she does keep her promises"
while everyone's cheering the classroom's door slams open! and everyone turns around to see their sensei huffing and puffing out of breath but he regains his composure and then coughs ans says " Everyone today we will test you in Kido, Zanjutsu, hakuda, and Hoho is that clear" everyone says "yes!" and then sensei says "Oh and before I forget we will have a couple of seated officers come in and watch your performance's" the boy from earlier then raises his hand and Kohaku sensei call's on him and he ask's "Which seated officers will it be?"
"Ah yes it will be third seat Ikkaku Madarame and fifth seat Yumichicka Ayasegawa from the eleventh division alright Now lets go before we make them wait any longer" sensei says while guiding us out to the training grounds.
as we were heading out on the field I saw a bald haired guy and a really feminine looking one " hu weird" I say in my head then glance at Reiko and Ami from the corner of my eye and see Reiko kind of nervous and Ami is smiling like the little idiot she is. I decide to tune back in to see if anyone said anything when sensei starts talking and says "Ok so first we'll start with kido" "damn" I curse and apparently some people heard me and are looking at me know but I glare at them and they turn back around and then sensei starts saying the names while the rest of us sit down and watch.
"Hey Sora do you think I'll do good?" I hear Reiko say and I look at her to see her looking really nervous and I sigh and say
"Reiko your the best in kido you got this dude you number one in kido come on you got nothing to worry about unlike me" I say smirking and see that I actually helped her relax somewhat and then "Ami Sachiko its your turn" " good luck" me and Reiko say.
oh my god it my turn oh man I hope I do good then I hear Sora and Reiko " good luck" I smile to them and then go and stand in our spot where they tell us to stand and I take a deep breath and let it out and then yell "HADO 31 SHAKKAHO!" just like be fore and when I'm done I see I left a big whole in the middle on the target "Yes!" I yell then go back to my friends and sit down hearing them congratulate me
I watched as that little girl named what was it oh yea Ami I watched as she shot the kido I'm kind of impressed but we don't use kido in our squad so she's out she probably be good in some other squad "hey Yumichicka what did you think about her kido's streangth" I say while watching some others do kido and then he says "Aw she's so cute she's so little-I I mean her kido was good but we don't do kido so she wouldn't qualify on our squad" I nod to him telling him "yea that's what I thought to" I then look at all the kids out there doing kido but ignore them and look at their appearance to see how strong they are or who's the one they are scared of and then my eyes land on a girl with redish/blackish hair "Hm..hey Yumichicka what do you think about that girl the one with redish hair" "hm oh she-wait a minute I feel a lot of reiastu coming off from her but something's telling me she has way more then what she's showing" once he say's that I feel a smirk come across my face and say "Yea your right and I wonder why"
"Reiko Katsu your up" I hear our sensei say and I go up while hearing "you got this and god luck" from my two best friends"
I take a deep breath let it out and concentrate then say "SHAKKAHO" and the red light shoots out and explodes a target and then I go back to my spot and think "oh no Sora's up after four or five more people "Then I go back to watching everyone else and chatting with Ami because Sora seems lost in thought then I notice she's up next and wait for her to snap out of it
I was thinking to myself about how it's going to be my turn and I think sensei is doing this on purpose sometimes then I snap back to reality and hear the words I don't wanna hear "Sora Ookami its your turn now" sensei says with a smile that's saying I apologize for this and I can tell everyone's waiting for me to do the kido and then I hear "good luck Sora" from Reiko and then "yea just do your best "From Ami I sigh then stand up and walk over to the spot everyone stands at and say to everyone "You know what's gonna happen so why, I hate kido It's a pain" sensei sighs and says "Just do the kido Sora and you don't have to do it ever again" then I hear everyone saying yea or nodding in agreement and others waiting with anticipation to see it blow up in my face " Fine " I take a breath hold it then let it out and yell "Hado 31 SHAKKAHO" then an explosion goes of and ruble fly's up in the air once again and then when it clears everyone sees me standing there with black soot on me I sigh then say "You said I didn't have to use kido anymore so I'm not that's the last time" then I walk over to Ami and Reiko I hear some laughing but send them a harsh glare that shuts them up and then it goes on and we wait for the others to finish their kido.
I watched the redish haired girl go up apparently her names Sora and next thing you know there's this big explosion and when the air clears she's standing there like nothing happened but covered in the black soot of her kido " well she didn't look like she did kido and I cant believe her sensei even made that promise it kinda shocked me but what shocked me the most is when some of the kids started laughing at her then all she had to do was give them a glare and they shut up" I smirked and am pretty sure Yumichicka saw because he smiled back looks like we found one hopefully she is strong or else she wont be able to join or hopefully she gets into a lot of fights. oh and before I know it the kido part was over so know I guess I'll keep a eye on this girl I then whispered over to Yumichicka "hey what are they doing next?" I asked "Zanjutsu I wanna see what that girl can do or at least see how powerful she is" said Yumichicka.

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