-chapter 5-

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"You can't be serious third seat Madarame they are barely even qualified for the lower seats like 9 until 12th seat"
"Oh but the one I want to fight doesn't have low reiastu they are probably capable then more then 9th seat Kohaku" said Madarame
"Well third seat Madarame who is this person if I think they can then I will let them and if not I wont allow it" our teacher says after sighing
"I'm sure you know who that is" he says and then I glance at my two friends then back at our teacher and third seat Madarame who then says
"I will fight.... SORA OOKAMI!!!" he says and leaves everyone in shock. (song goes with the chapter youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=aWERYqWs5x it's monster by skillet)

After he said that everyone was shocked and curious to see what would happen but then sensei said
"No..I will not allow it"
"WHY NOT!!" said Madarame getting angry
"Now Ikkaku I'm sure Mr. Kohaku has his reasons but" Says Yumichicka coming up by Madarame's side and then shoots sensei a mad look as well
"If Ikkaku says he wants to fight Sora then it only goes to show you have a student that is very skilled and can take a seated officer position so I say that you should reconsider this unless your hiding something hmm" says Yumichicka with a sly smile. while sensei sighs and looks at me and gives me a nod saying your call so with that I say
"Fine by me my last fight wasn't any good anyways" then with that everyone takes their spots they were at earlier and wait's for us to begin and I walk onto the field and wait for him to make his move
"ready when you are" I say and nod at Madarame and he just grins and un sheaths his sword and runs at me then shunpoed and I move out the way and do the same with my sword and wait for him. then I shunpo and land in back of him and bring my sword down only for it to meet his and then he uses his sheath and swings out and hits me but I block it
"You know this is boring show me what you got Third seat" I say smirking
"Pfft ha you think this is all I got your wrong girl" and with that he runs at me swinging like crazy back and for from sword with his sheath and I block all of them and get hit once or twice. I smirk and shunpo in front of him and swing my blade down and cut his sleeve and then swing again and again but he blocks most of them and then swings his sword out but I dodge at the last minute and jump back and then we jump at each other swinging our swords and blocking each one and now I begin to turn a little more serious and hear my sensei yelling
"SORA!! Whatever you do don't do that!!!" he says giving me a knowing look and I tch'ed at him then tell Madarame
"OI what's your name and why do you want to fight me?" I say looking a bit irritated
"What you getting mad because you can't win? huh." he says and I yell back saying
"Ha you wish I can win but sensei probably wont let me" I say smirking knowing that that would get his interest
"Hu know why do you say that" he says now looking interested but then I say
"HA wouldn't you like to know and you never answered my question what's your name." and I see Madarame get ticked off and annoyed
"My names Ikkaku Madarame third seat of squad 11 and you" hm so that's his name
"My name is Sora Ookami even though I'm pretty sure you already knew that" I say propping my sword oh my shoulder
"Anyways enough chit chat lets continue and if you wanna know why sensei doesn't let me win you can find out from this battle then talk to my sensei about it" I say smirking then he nods and i shunpoe and swing again and again and again while he blocks and then i kick him in the gut and send him skidding a good few feet away then he came running and disappeared and swung his sword down from in back of me and I shunpoed away and I know he cut me because I can feel a slight sting on my back and can feel it dripping down my shoulder blade. we continued going at each other until I was all cut up and Ikkaku slightly panting but with some cuts and scratches as well
When she told me her sensei wouldn't let her win I got more curious and then she was smart enough to get me annoyed by saying ill learn why and then I'd have to ask her sensei later about it Jesus this is annoying but yet I have a feeling it's gonna turn out interesting like half an hour later I was panting and had some cuts and scratches will she's all cut up but she's still able to go I can feel it this girl is different I'll give her that
While watching Ikkaku fight Sora I was pretty amazed no academy student could take on a third seat unless they had a lot of reiastu and are really skilled but once she and Ikkaku stopped and had their little chat a half hour later she was all cut up and Ikkaku was panting and had cuts and scratches I'm in awe of all this and for some reason I still feel like she's holding back it's so strange
This always happens I just hope Sora's ok I know she's strong but hey you never know and ha when she told Third seat Madarame that he'll have to learn from the fight what she means it was funny she straight out ticked him off -sighs- well that's what would happen until we get out of here anyways I better keep watching so I'm able to help her later
Damn if I don't do it know I'm going to be really sore tomorrow ugh this is stupid. Stupid Ikkaku picking a fight with me right know blood is dripping down my right arm, left shoulder, and my shoulder blade wow this fight was actually fun -smirks-
"OI sensei let me do it come on" I say smirking wider then before
"Sora how many times do I have to tell you. You cant do that unless-"
"Come on were all graduating in a week at least let me use some" I say cutting him off and standing up straight waiting for him to say yes
-sighs- "Fine only a little once you graduate you don't have to wear that anymore" he says
"Alright finally Hey Ikkaku you ready to end this?" I say
"HA I've ben waiting for you to say that now show me what you got girly" he said oh but he just struck a nerve and with that being said I start walking forward letting some of my reiastu out that I've ben holding back and just a small portion but enough to finish this fight. The air shifted and now everyone from my class are a bit shocked but continue watching with amazement. I start walking a bit faster but Ikkaku doesn't notice then I run and shunpo right in front of him and bring my sword down cutting him across the abdomen and I kick him sending him flying across the field and say
"I won Ikkaku" and start to walk back to Ami and Reiko.
I new she was holding back but what I don't understand is why her sensei wouldn't let all of it out or why she cant until she graduate's it just makes no sense and I cant believe she nocked Ikkaku down she's interesting she cant do kido she's really skilled and I can tell she loves fighting

Yay I knew Sora would win but she looks a bit bad but I bet she's ok she usually is so I won't matter she just needs to put some bandage's and she'll be fine ^-^ but Im glad sensei finally agreed to let her use a bit more of her reiastu sometimes I feel bad for her because she's not able to go all out until we graduate oh well here she come's
I'm gonna need some new wraps and bandages for these wounds but whatever ha it was actually a good fight better then the one's i get from these guys here. I make it over to Ami and Reiko and then Ami says
"Hey you did good like always" she says with a bright smile
"Yea thanks I'm just glad sensei finally let me cut a bit loose well at least that's what they think huh" I say and Ami nods in agreement then Reiko says
"I'm glad you won and sensei let u go for a bit must feel good" she says with a lazy smile
"Ha yea it feels ok but I wouldn't know cause I was getting beat I can't wait until we finally get out of here" I say with a smirk and sit down next to them when I hear our sensei
"Alright class when the bell rings you dismissed to go to your dorms or wherever" and with that everyone said yes or finally. well I doubt I'm gonna be let go until we explain why I let a bit of my reiastu out this is gonna take forever I'll make sure Ami and Reiko stay to because they already know about why and all that stuff
"Oh yes and Sora, Ami, and Reiko are to stay when the bell rings understood" said sensei and Ami says
"Ok fine by me" says reiko
"I knew it"
then Ikkaku walks over with his friend and then the bell rings and our small little group stays behind
once I got up I walked over to Sora and her group where her friends and their sensei was when the bell rang and then I asked
"Ok now would you explain why Sora seems stronger then the others but isn't showing it all and what was with that sudden reiastu"
"The reason why Sora seems stronger then the others is because she is and the answer for were that sudden reiastu came from was Sora" wow is all I can say then Yumichicka cut in
"So then does this mean she was suppressing her reiastu by a lot or something?" he said
"Yes and no" said Kohaku and I said
"What do you mean yes and no?!"
"He means that on one hand yes she was suppressing her reaistu by herself but on the other hand she was getting help" says Sora's friend Reiko
"SO then this means she is way more stronger then what we thought and what was she getting help from?" Yumichicka and I asked
"It means she suppressed her reiastu herself but when she couldn't we gave her a necklace that would suppress it for her" said Kohaku
"It also means she got stronger while suppressing all of this so that's why she isn't allowed to take the necklace off until she graduates but when that happens there will be a burst of reiastu in the area then it'll go to normal and she will feel better" said the short girl
"Am I right Sora" she asked
"Hell yea finally be able to go all out in fights and fight more people now that I think about it we still have a week left" Sora says with a frown
"Ok so let me get this straight Sora had a lot of reiastu in the beginning but you guys told her to suppress it so she did but then she started getting stronger so you made her wear a necklace that conceals her reaistu so that the other students wouldn't notice am I right" Yumichicka says then their sensei nods and so does Sora's two friends while sora just looks like she could care less well you know what this chick is strong and skilled alright I'll have to think everything over for know
So after Ikkaku and Yumichicka got their answers they said their far wells for now and walked away chatting while the three girls left for their dorms since the day was coming to an end and ate their watermelon well more Ami then the two others. After they finished the washed up
"Good night Sora, Ami" says Reiko
"Nighty night Reiko and Sora don't forget about your bandages" says the short Ami
"Yea yea I have them on already goodnight" says Sora while getting into bed and falling asleep.

(Author note: Lets see what happens next shall we. anyways hope you enjoy and sorry for not updating earlier then what I planned on doing bye bye for now my little Lion's

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