-chapter 3-

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( Short review of what happened last chapter also I'm sticking with P.O.V it just works for me.)

I guess I'll keep a eye on this girl I then whispered over to Yumichicka "hey what are they doing next?" I asked "Zanjutsu I wanna see what that girl can do or at least see how powerful she is" said Yumichicka.

After Yumichicka said that I got pretty excited "Yea" was all I said before we waited for they're instructor to make the list of who's fighting who and from what I'm sensing is that most of them are just as excited. but most of them seem weak so whatever.
So now were waiting for our sensei to put up the list and I can see everyone's pretty happy about it even Reiko is hm wounder why then I snap back to reality hearing Ami calling me.
"Sora....SORA!!!"Ami says then yells right in my ear.
"Ahh damn what the heck was that for?" I say while covering my ear she yelled in giving her a glare.
"Hey aren't you excited eh eh aren't you" she says ignoring my glare and then nudging me with her elbow then I do something she's not expecting and I smack her on the back of her head and say.
"I was a bit until you almost made me go death you" after I said that she was still holding her head and then she does the puppy face like seriously she pulled the puppy dog face ughh.
"You meanie why'd you do that for and I didn't yell that loud" Ami says but then Reiko buts in
"Sora why is Ami making her puppy face for? hm" Reiko says with a smile on her face but that smile isn't your happy smile you usually see it's more of a why the hell is Ami sad and you better have a damn good explanation kind of smile.
"Eh why do you think I did something" I say defending myself and she sighs and says.
" Because Sora you always do something" She says then Ami cuts in again.
"It's ok Reiko-chan all she did was Smack me in the back of my head because I yelled in her ear" Ami says with a innocent smile on then Reiko looks at me.
"Oh is that so" Reiko says then before she can do anything we here sensei tell us to pay attention.
After I got smacked on the head I did my puppy dog face to see if Sora was gonna apologize but then Reiko interrupted and asked why I was making a face then I said "It's ok Reiko-chan all she did was Smack me in the back of my head because I yelled in her ear" that's when I let Sora have it and then haha I could see Sora shiver from the way Reiko smiled it was so funny but I agree if I was Sora id be shivering to no offence to Reiko that smile is creepy some times is all anyways the sensei ended up calling us to pay attention.
I turned to face Ami but she was making her puppy dog face and at that moment I new Sora did something so I said
"Sora why is Ami making her puppy face for" I said with my smile that I know creepy's people out then she said why did I assume it was her who did something and responded with "Because you always do something" but then Ami cuts in and by saying "It's ok all Sora did was smack me for yelling in her ear" when I heard her say that I gave Sora one of my smile that says she better have a damn good reason for making Ami cry but then sensei cut in and told us to pay attention.
So while me and Yumichicka where waiting I looked over to Sora to see she was day dreaming or thinking and then I guess her friend came over and was talking to her then yelled. Then Sora smacked her friend pfft I smirked at this and kinda chuckled. Then next thing I know their other friend comes over and I dont know what happend but next thing I know her friend is giving Sora a smile oh god that smile It reminds me of Unohana -shivers- uhh anyways once all that happened the fights started but none were any good.
"hey Yumichicka when do you think Sora and her friends fight will happen" I say looking bored.
"Hm well now that I think about it they should be fighting in a while because that's what the list said.
"Alright" I said smirking then went back to actually paying attention.
I was thinking of how beautful I looked then looked at the fights not really interested because none of them show that they can be put in our squad the only one that looks like they might make it is a couple of guys and possible Sora then Ikakku started talking to me.
"Hey Yumichicka when do you think Sora and her friends fight will happen"he says looking bored then I say.
"Hm well now that I think about it they should be fighting in a while because that's what the list said" I say watching the fights.
"Alright" was all he said then went to actually pay attention. Hm i hope she fights soon I have a feeling she's holding back.
I was siting down watching some fight after fight go by just waiting for my turn or Reiko's or Sora's but then I see the fight has ended and then sensei says who goes next and he calls on me "Ami Sachiko vs. Kaito Shiraha" I stand up to go and do my match and her Reiko and Sora say
"Good luck Ami Do your best/ Knock em dead or just do what you do and win" I hear Reiko say then Sora's remark and can tell she's smirking. so I face Kaito and then sensei says "START!" and next thing I know I'm dodging a punch to my face then I grab his arm and flip him to the other side while kicking him in the back and then he says "Hado 31 SHAKKAHO!!" and I roll out of the way and jump back on my feet and appear right infront of him and punch him in the stomach again and again and again and again and then kick him sending him flying across the field and wait to see if he gets up and he doesn't so I walk back to my friends to go sit down when I hear "AMI SACHIKO WINS" then I sit down in the middle of Reiko and Sora when Reiko says.
"Good job I new you could do it" she says smiling then Sora.
"Great job kid" she says ruffling my hair with the same smirk on her face. after a while reiko gets called to fight and I watch.
After Ami's fight a couple others went then I got called up and heard Sora and Ami wish me luck and started fighting the girl threw a punch at me and I ducked then shunpoed away and then sayed "Shakkaho!" and then my kido went straight for her and then she barely dodged but it got her arm and then she appeared a couple of feet in front of me and then she started punching me and I blocked most of then accept a few then shunpoed away then did the kido again and she was down then I walked away and then sensei said "REIKO KATSU WINS" and thats when I sat down and started talking to watch some more fights but notice Sora's hand is twitching a bit so I ask
"Hey you alright?" I asked and she glanced at me and then the twitching went away for a bit but a few times it happend but she said
"...No why"she says and Ami is glanceing between us to see whats up then I say
"I only wanted to see if you were ok cuz your hand is twitching" then she tch'ed and said
"Well what can I say I'm just itching for a fight I haven't had a good one in a long time" she smirks the whole time saying this.
"Oh well don't kill anyone and keep your promise to that kid"
"Ha you don't have to remind me I remeber jeez" was all she said and then we all went back to watching the fights.
Well that was interesting those two girl did pretty good to be honest when that girl Ami went to fight I could of sworn she wasn't gonna win and know that I think about it she's as short as captain Hitsugaya or even shorter. But I have to admit she is kinda cute maybe adorable is what you'd call her or at least that's what I think.
In the seritei, down the hall's of squad ten we see a white haired boy walking then sneezes' (idk if thats how you spell it) and thinks "someone's talking about me again" he sighs but carries on looking for a orange haired women and when he finds her he's going to give her a mouth full.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Aghh sorry couldn't fight sora's fight in this chapter but will in the next so keep on reading and until next time XD oh and listen to this song it just has to do with bleach is all and its one of my fav's from it youtu.be/GbZY23bNZTc

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