Twelve | Soaked

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The air was thick and heavy. Thunder rumbled over the hills, and light flashes illuminated an empty forest. Visena was soaked and shrivelling like a raisin.

After wandering deeper into the forest and tripping eight different times, Visena decided to sit under an old pine tree and feel sorry for herself. She wondered if her mother would be able to find her.

The rain was easing, and the moon peeked its face out from behind the clouds. Her vision was still almost nil, but she was no longer blind in the forest.

After what felt like hours, Visena heard twigs cracking nearby. Something big was coming. 

The snapping roots and crunching foliage sounded closer after each step, and Visena's heart thumped against her rib cage. This had to be the stupidest thing she had done: post-memory loss. Why would you run into the forest when a potential killer is on the loose? Idiot.

Her internal monologue was particularly harsh that night.

She could either stay put or run away from the sounds in the darkness. And after hearing heavy breathing, she was having second thoughts. Maybe it wasn't my mother.

Sodden clothes weighed the girl down as she ran away from the creature. Visena sprinted with pruned hands before her face as to not collide with a tree when the sounds suddenly ran parallel. The beast was toying with her.

It knew where she was, and now it was just waiting to pounce. Visena's breath came out in short pants, and her legs felt weak. The crackling branches were in front of her now, just to her left.

In an instant, her foot snagged on a tree root, and she flew across the forest floor. Terrified, Visena scrambled to her hands and knees and faced the beast.

A familiar beast.

His luminescent green orbs studied her and appeared to scrutinise her soggy appearance. His glance seemed to say; we have to stop meeting this way.


He stalked around Visena's shaking form and nudged her shoulder. She felt frozen, but a warm lick across her cheek was enough to get her moving again. She realised Gideon's obsidian wolf was taller than her when she stood. She shyly leaned into his warm fur and sighed with relief. She immediately felt safe; his soothing aroma calmed her anxiety quickly.

Gideon huffed and licked her cheek once more. "Stop it, you silly wolf. Yuck!" Visena cried, swiping away his wolf germs.

They trekked in the dark until they came across a small bundle under a tree. Gideon nudged her again, and she looked quizzically between the man and the package. "You want me to open it?"

Gideon nodded.

"Okay." Visena knelt and squeezed the crinkling material. It was a small tarp. Hmm, this is familiar. She unravelled the twine knots at its base and found a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. Strange thoughts started clicking into place as she held the items in her shivering grip.

 Gideon rounded a wide tree and requested the clothes with an outstretched hand. It was weird that he had a thing for nudity when everyone in the pack walked around naked half the time. Hell, she had only been there twenty minutes before seeing more of Jed than she had seen of any man. At least after the memory loss, that is.

When Gideon finally stood before Visena, she had to wrap her arms around herself in comfort. His brows were low set, and she knew he was about to be stern with her. "What were you thinking?"

She was correct as usual. Visena stayed quiet, not ready to share her suspicions with the Alpha.

Gideon grabbed her cheeks between his palms and tilted her head up. He was so warm. Visena had to resist leaning into him. "Why did you run?" His expression had softened, looking more curious than angry.

"I think... I thought that the person trying to kill you was my mother. I rem-"

Gideon's abrupt scoff stopped her mid-sentence. He ran his hand through his locks, and he chuckled again. But, when his eyes met Visena's, her scowl had him backpedalling. "Please forgive me; I didn't mean to cut you off. But when did your Fae mother become a wolf?"


"I'm assuming the intruder smelled like your mother?"

Visena nodded and looked down glumly.

"But I could feel that person's wrist healing as I broke it. And they survived a three-story fall. Only wolves have that healing speed."

Visena felt hopeful, "Are you sure? Because it smelled just like her..."

"Yes, I'm sure, Visena."

"Well, how did she smell like her then?" Visena walked off only to be gripped by the crook of the elbow.

"This way, love." Gideon turned her 180 degrees, and she felt a twinge of embarrassment. "I would guess that the wolf has a witch who is particularly good at cloaking."

Visena was lost, and her expression made Gideon chuckle.

"The witch would have used some of your mother's DNA to create a cloak that masks wolf scent. It was perfect, which means the witch they have is extremely powerful and old."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it."

They walked for a few minutes when Gideon got tired of helping Visena up after tripping on foliage. "Can I carry you?" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Despite feeling patronised, Visena rounded his back. When her fingers brushed his shoulders, he tensed. "What are you doing?"

"Piggyback ride?"

Gideon's back shook silently, and Visena realised he was laughing.

"What? Crouch down, would you. I can't jump that high."

His laughter continued as he knelt. Visena wrapped her limbs around Gideon's torso, and he dared to talk shit. "Fucking hell, Visena. You're soaked." Although she knew he was referring to her state of dress, her mind flew to another area that could get particularly wet. Her face was so hot she thought she saw steam rising in the moonlight. His pause and sudden choked laughter clued her in to the fact that great minds think alike.

They trudged the rest of the way home in silence, Visena's head nestled into Gideon's nape as she accidentally fell asleep.



Thanks for reading everyone xx

Happy Holidays you wonderful humans!!!

Until next time

Byeee xxx

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