Twenty-eight | Jurisdiction

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"Hello? I need to pee!"

Visena didn't know how long she'd been in the cold, dark box, but her bladder was almost bursting. She refused to wet herself or go on the floor. A small red light phasing in the corner proved she was being watched.

Her fist ached from thumping it against the frigid door. "Come on!"

Suddenly her hand flew through open air, and a blinding, fluorescent light poured into the space. With a second of adjustment, her eyes finally made out T, standing in the doorway. "I'm here to take you to the Council chambers."

"Toilet stop first, please..." she almost begged.

T looked around and nodded. "Come with me." They weaved through winding, empty hallways until they reached a bathroom. Visena could have cried out in relief as she relieved herself. 

Bladder finally empty, she trailed behind T to the Council members. "What time is it?"

"Seven AM."

She had been in that room for twenty-four hours. "What the fuck..."

"In here." T gestured to a room with seven-foot oak doors that held an air of foreboding. Visena walked past T and pushed the door open herself. She was greeted by the frowns of Yrsa, Svend and four other old wolves. They sat atop a raised platform behind curved desks. They looked like royalty, but they most certainly, were not.

"Well, you all look..." Visena paused for effect. "Miserable, actually. Who are you meant to be?"

Growls echoed through the room as she rocked on her feet with arms crossed. "So?"

"You are here to answer a few questions. Visena Sage, is it?"

Visena shrugged. "So I'm told."

"How did you survive this long?" The oldest looking wolf asked, appearing more curious than suspicious. His cerulean eyes bore into the Fae with a hidden strength. Despite a fair number of wrinkles lining the wolf's face, his aura was deadly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't remember. I shifted and ran through a Fae ring and lost my memories." A collective gasp assaulted Visena's ears, and she rolled her eyes. The myths around Fae lore were steeped in fear and becoming rather bothersome. "So, are you going to tell me why I'm here or not?"

The older wolf stood, looked to Svend and bowed. A glazed look passed their eyes as they communicated silently. "We have been informed you are a danger to our kind, and we have been tasked with your... disposal."

Visena thought she might be sick. She would have laughed at such a presumptuous statement in normal circumstances, but her new iron bracelets and silver choker weakened her considerably. "I haven't done anything wrong. You can't just kill someone because you're afraid." Visena's eyes cut across every wolf on that panel, staring into their soulless orbs with growing fury. "What do the other Councils think of this?"

"This is a wolf matter. It does not concern them."

"But I am not just a wolf!" Visena's voice deepened as her wolf swirled beneath the surface of her skin. Some of the Council members seemed to shrink back from her intensity.

"The Fae Council wants nothing to do with you, child, " the old wolf remarked. "They gave us permission to keep this under our jurisdiction."

"None of you have any right to have 'jurisdiction' over anything!" Her brain begged her mouth to stop moving, but it wouldn't. "You are all-"

Yrsa finally stood with a growl and cut her off mid-sentence. This time Visena silently thanked her for the interruption. She was surely about to get herself killed where she stood. "Don't worry, mutt. Nothing will happen to you until the next celestial event."

"Which is when?" Visena managed to bite out.

"Two weeks." Yrsa's grin was maniacal. "For the Blue moon."

The Fae's stomach sank. Another celestial event. It had to have something to do with Zeir. She prayed Gideon and her friends could pull some strings and get her away from these egomaniacs. "And where am I going to stay? Who's going to come to kill me?"

Yrsa's sneer made Visena's blood boil. "We never said anything about killing you, nymph. Take her away."

T grabbed her by the crook of the elbow and pulled her from the room. She scowled at the Praelia wolf to prevent any suspicion from falling back on them.

Once the doors slammed shut, T hurried Visena away. "You need to be more tactful than that, Alpha," they whispered.

Visena was taken aback. She hadn't gotten used to being called Alpha in her own pack, let alone another's. It seemed to activate mixed emotions within her. It wasn't quite the correct term. She let the thought float away as they walked back to her holding cell. "They can't seriously make me sleep in here for a week. I need a bed at least. Even just a blanket. And food. I'm starving." She let her eyes do the pleading.

T seemed to ponder over it for a moment before pulling a familiar-looking energy bar from their pocket. "Here. Tomorrow night, when everyone's asleep, I'll take you to the gardens."

The Praelia warrior promptly shut the door in Visena's face, casting her into darkness. Despite the undying dark, she smiled, a plan forming in her mind.


After a painful rest on concrete floors, Visena was blinded yet again. As usual, the door opened without warning, and this time, two strangers stood beneath the fluorescent lights. They both had youthful features but an air of authority and wisdom. They were surely older than their faces implied. "Who are you?" Visena's voice came out thick and garbled from sleep.

"I am Sybil, " the woman responded. Her eyes were deep violet with flecks of green. The other had pure black holes where the eyes should have been. 

"I am Ambrose." Ambrose seemed to stare right into Visena's soul despite the missing organs.

"What are you?" she asked, trying to reframe the question.

"Come with us." Sybil reached out a gangrenous hand. Her fingers gnarled with necrosis and death. Suppressing a grimace, Visena chose to stand without assistance and followed after the strangers. She spotted T standing off at a distance with the Wolf Council, who looked particularly menacing. Visena didn't know these strange beings, but she took unending delight in lifting her hand and wiggling her fingers at her oppressors. 

Toodles bitches. 



I take unending delight in writing Visena how I would want to respond myself but would be too scared to :D

What do you think about the wolf council?

And who could these new people be?....

Just a note- I intentionally use they/ them pronouns when referring to T.  If you don't know much about non-binary then do a bit of googling and hopefully that will help your understanding. It's also why I haven't physically described T's looks because it's kind of irrelevant and has its own issues about 'passing' and gender expression so to be on the safe side, I'll leave it up to your imagination. If any non-binary pals read and have an image they would like to share, I would happily edit to describe T more. 

Until next time <3

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