Twenty | Spells

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"Alpha? We need a word."

Visena's eyes were bleary as she turned toward the incessant knocking sounds and apprehensive voice. Gideon was already perched on the bed's edge, wiping sleep from his eyes. The sun shone brightly through the window, revealing the pair had slept in.

He rose with a groan, pulled a shirt on and glanced at his mate before opening the door. The Alpha stood blocking the gap in true gentlemanly fashion so no eyes would peer in and bother Visena. The gesture was so sweet she suppressed a giggle in the duvet.

"What is it, Gammas?"

"The pack may have found out about you potentially having a mate, and they want to know what's happening." It was Jed.

"Prim was very loud last night... Some wolves overheard." Eve. 

Visena almost burst into laughter hearing Eve's poorly thought out choice of words. If Prim's voice carried from the Medical building, which was tucked away from all the main cabins, then surely the pack could hear everything. So how did any of these wolves... you know... Fuck? 

Gideon tilted his head and sighed to the ceiling. "One day of peace was too much to ask for, I see." 

Visena had used that time to pad over to the blocked doorway quietly and, with a grunt, squeezed her head under his arm. "Morning! How are you?"

They both bowed their heads, and Visena nearly slapped them. "Don't do that. I'm still the same person I was yesterday. Please don't treat me differently."

Eve and Jed shared a glance then looked up to Gideon with uncertainty which made Visena bristle.

"Don't look at him. He's not the boss of how you treat me."

Gideon's chuckle made her blush. His arm dropped from the door frame and rested across her shoulders, fingers lightly swirling patterns across her bicep. His warmth and stimulating touch sent tingles down her spine and between her legs.

"Sorry, A- Visena, it's just a pack thing," Jed remarked, looking sheepish.

"If you don't want us to view you differently, maybe lay off on the Alpha commands," Eve added wryly. "It's basically impossible for us to resist."

Gideon's calculating stroking continued as the Gamma's stated their piece. However, he wasn't particularly focused on them; instead, the petite Fae pressed against his side.

Visena's eyes shot open as her thighs squeezed shut. If their hearing was good, what about their sense of smell... Oh goddammit, shut up, Visena! She chastised herself internally. Self-sabotaging perv. Now she was heating up all over. "Sorry! Um, I'll try not to..."

The four of them stood awkwardly in the doorway. Jed apparently had the biggest balls of the group. "So... Will you come to make an announcement now?"

Gideon looked down at his mate and winced. "Will you come with me?" Her glowing smile appeared to put him at ease. 

She was glad he didn't realise how awkward she was. "Of course, just let me get showered and changed first." Among other things.

Both Gamma's tilted their heads at the Alpha's and retreated quickly down the stairs. Visena headed to her room when Gideon dragged her backwards and shut the door. "What are you doing, Gideon?" she asked with a yelp.

"Just five minutes." His head dipped to her neck as he kissed along her throat. She sighed delightedly and cupped his face, bringing his lips to hers. It was as if he could read her mind. 

With a lust-filled groan, Gideon lifted Visena and carried her to the California king before tripping on a pile of laundry and sprawling across the mattress. He had twisted midair so as not to crush his mate, and Visena squealed as she landed on top of him. "Are you okay?"

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