Twenty- nine | Trickery

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The path from the room had many turns. Soon the doors opened to a large open space with a garden feature central to it all. A manmade pond whirled and splashed while the plants shimmied beneath an artificial wind. This space couldn't even touch the small oasis of the Invictus forest, but it would do for now.

"Come along, child," Ambrose hummed. His voice was like honey, and Visena followed with an awkward smile. They passed a few wolves, Fae and humans alike. The humans looked indifferent while the others seemed to lean in. She caught a few of the wolves sniffing in her direction, which only hurried her along after the strangers. Then, she saw four glass doors with strange markings like the one she had left with a quick turn of her head. 

"Do you guys live here?" Visena asked, looking up at the dozens of floors above their heads.

"From time to time," Sybil replied, following the Fae's gaze.

They entered one of the glass doors and kept on walking. Visena's eyelids demanded to be closed, but she held them steadfast. Now is not the time to fall asleep, dammit.

"In here, child." Ambrose gestured to a large room with four more strange-looking beings sitting at a curved desk.

"Are you the witch Council?" Visena finally asked. She didn't know why it took her so long to figure it out. The forced isolation was not helping her brain at all.

"Go sit." Sybil nudged the Fae girl's shoulder, and she followed the momentum. A solitary chair sat in the room's centre, right in front of all the judging eyes.

She obliged Sybil's request and sat cross-legged. "What can I do for you?"

The two Witches central to the table shifted nervously. Visena was surprised that Sybil and Ambrose weren't the Council leaders. They seemed to hold an air of authority, unlike the Witches in the Leaders' seats.

"A friend of yours has... let us know about your... situation. And have requested we hear your plea."

Visena's face scrunched, and she blinked confusedly. "Plea?"

The witches remained silent.

"Uh well, I am being held by the Council because they think I'm dangerous, but I think they are working for an evil alpha, so that's great."

She was greeted with silence once more. "I need to get out of here and back to my pack."

"Your pack," Sybil questioned.

"Yes, I am Wolf and Fae, and they are my pack."

Ambrose tilted his head quizzically while one of the Council leaders spoke softly.

"Sybil, refer to the texts, please."

"What is happening... Who is the friend you mentioned?"

Sybil sashayed across the floor and retrieved a large leather-bound book from floating shelves on the far wall. Her blackened fingers flicked through the pages at blinding speed.

"Do you guys know Calypso?"

Sybil's hand slammed down the book in front of the leaders as they clenched their jaws.

I hit a nerve.

"It is foretold," the female Alderman began, her voice booming in the Fae's ears,

"A hybrid will be born of earth and aether

who will forge a bond across realms

Whoever shall take their heart

Shall rule their kingdom."

Visena's eyes shifted left to right. She had heard and learned a lot of crazy things since losing her memories, but this had to win a medal. "So... Do you know Calypso or not?"

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