Forty-seven | Powerful

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With her brain filled to the brim, Visena came to her senses. 

Zeir stared at her, open-mouthed and twitching with rage, his aura holding something far beyond anger. Black veins spidered from his eyes, chest, and facial deformity, and fetid, viscous mucous dripped from his wounds. He glowered at the scene as a shadowy haze seeped from his pores and shrouded his naked body. 

Visena felt a gnarled tether to Zeir. The bond that held them together was powerful and grotesque, a large portion of her strength flowing through it from the forced mate bond. When the other wolves returned from the Veil, they would feel its command, too, and Zeir would control them all. 

The Dark Alpha prowled across his platform and stood over Gideon, still hunched in the dirt from the last command. 

Gideon kneeled to no one, and seeing him bow down to Zeir made Visena's blood boil. Zeir raised his clawed hand to deliver a fatal blow when she remembered one more thing. A terrible, manic smile split her face.

I'm a powerful fucking Faery.

In an instant, she crushed the larynx of the Witch restraining her and raised her hand towards Zeir. Her fingers clawed as her magic searched for water within his body. His corrupted blood followed her whims as she dragged him across the dirt and pinned him to the earth.

"Wha- What are you doing?" Zeir's face was so red and veiny that she was sure he would burst a blood vessel or go into cardiac arrest before she got her justice.

"You can't hurt me... I'm your mate. It is impossible."

Visena said nothing, looking numbly where her mother had fallen, and opened the Veil again.

To her surprise, dozens of portals opened all around the clearing, and Water Fae piled out. Some were covered in black wolf ichor, and others were drenched in golden Fae blood. All held solemn expressions.

"You fucking bi-"

With a flick of her wrist, she took his voice from him. Now her memories of glamouring had returned, she took reasonable pleasure covering his gaping mouth with a patch of illusory stretchy skin. He moaned and extended his jaw wide, staring at the portals Visena created. It looked like the underside of a scrotum. Perfect.

Invictus and Praelia wolves exited next, followed by Eve and Thyra arm in arm, slick with sweat, dirt, and death. They met her eyes and nodded before gathering next to the Vampires. A few cast uneasy looks at their sworn enemies, but mutual respect won out. 

Finally, the portal closed with no Calypso or Mihnea. Visena smirked knowingly before an unexpected guest caught her attention. Queen Cecilia strode in and floated past everyone towards her daughter's grave. 

Oren and Elowen shrank into nearby foliage with wide eyes. 

They have never been in the presence of a Queen before, Visena realised. Nevertheless, she couldn't stop scowling at the arrogant, entitled, murderous tree fuckers

With a hefty eye roll, Visena drew her thoughts back before she killed them too. 

Cecilia made her way to Esmerelda's small self-made shrine and knelt. Then, with a gentle cupping motion, she scooped up the Blue Lotus and stored it in a small pouch around her neck before walking back in silence toward Visena and staring straight into her soul. 

No words passed between them, but Visena felt her grief like no other. Cecilia tucked a stray hair behind Visena's ear and carried on back to the Veil with a procession of Fae behind her. It was the only time Cecilia had shown her any tenderness.

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