Sixty-seven | Murderous

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 Chaos sprung forth in the clearing as hunters raised their rifles, poised to wipe the Wolf Queen and King off the face of the earth. 

Ambrose hovered over Calypso's sprawled form, a golden knife clutched in his shaking hand. Before a single shot could be fired, hundreds of wolves descended. Far more than Visena had expected. It all made sense when she saw a few familiar Alpha's, and she could have kissed Gideon.

Not the time! He scolded.

Carina's small wolf zipped through the hunters crunching through wrist bones, disarming hunters with violent speed. Visena felt a rush of love for the Colombian Alpha that had first shown her kindness. 

Veronika and Cillian from Europe appeared next, looking a mixture of feral and ecstatic. Their wolves rounded up a group of disarmed hunters before tearing their fingers off.

No more itchy trigger fingers.   

Akabe, Nairi's first Alpha, jumped clear over the heads of a cluster of hunters and slammed into the body of a man cornering one of the Praelia wolves. 

Folami and Alheri from Nigeria and a familiar brown wolf stalked out of the dark trees. Jed?

We're here for you, Vi! Jed's voice shouted down the mind link along with a chorus of others. 

Visena's mind was flooded with the adoration from the different packs, almost taking her off her feet. Disarm them if you can. Kill them if you must! She sent back, rushing to her sister's aid.

The growls, yips and tearing of flesh signalled they had heard her.

"Ambrose, stop!" She tried to scream over the din, but she wasn't fast enough. 

His knife plugged towards Calypso's throat, and she vaguely heard Ambrose cry, "They have Sybil. I'm sorry!" Before his body froze, and the knife dropped uselessly to the earth next to her. 

Visena hardly registered Mihnea standing beside the ancient Witch. His sharpened nails dripped with black sludge, as Ambrose's head slid off his neck and thumped at his twitching feet. Mihnea pushed the headless form away from his lover, and it crumpled on the ichor drenched floor.

A strange mixture of relief and regret flooded her system, looking at the dead Witch who had helped her many times before. It seemed like there was something that forced his hand. Or someone.

Mihnea reached his arm out to Calypso and smiled sadly, "Need a hand, my love?"

She readily accepted his outstretched hand, pulling herself to her feet. "Did it work, Vi?"

Her shout drew Visena from her thoughts, and she responded, "I think so!"

"Then let's end this!"

The trio turned to face the crowd when Mara's undulating form caught Visena's attention. Her visage shimmered, and as if a mask had been pulled away, Visena saw a completely different face. What the fuck? Her brunette features had morphed into mousy blonde and blue-eyed, snub-nosed giant. She was particularly menacing. Teiv and the twins didn't change, though.

"They were glamoured! That's not the real Mara!" Rebekah zoomed up to the Fae with a grimace. "I knew something was up! That bitch is a hunter!"

"The Hunters are in control of the Human Council then." Visena realised aloud. "Figures."

The Wolves had successfully disarmed most of the humans and suffered a few casualties. Still, every Wolf death was like a needle in Visena's heart.

She let herself breathe for a moment when the thundering blades of machinery returned, and hundreds of humans descended. "Holy fuck!" 

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