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I woke up after a long night of thinking and checked my phone that was always close to me. I saw a text from Nash and hesitated before opening it.
Nash: Ummm....hey so I just wanted to apologize for how every went yesterday.

It took me some time until I replied.

Alexis: It's cool lol

Almost instantly I got a reply from him.

Nash: Haha now that its chilled I wanted to ask u something....

Alexis: Yea sure

Nash: When I did ask the question it was like I asked you to jump off a bridge or something. Why were u so stunned it was a joke anyway.

I was not expecting him to ask that question mainly because I didn't have an answer. Eventually I replied.

Alexis: Umm well I don't really know it just took me by surprise.

Nash: Come on Alexis how can u not know!

Alexis: Why do you want to know so badly anyway!

At this point I knew it was going to turn into an argument but I was saying what I felt.

Nash: Because whenever I talk about "us" you always do it and I just always wonder why and sometimes it pisses me off. It makes me look like the idiot.

Alexis: Well I'm sorry you feel that way because there is nothing I can do about it.

He replied but I didn't bother opening the message because I knew I would want to reply and the argument would just continue. Instead I texted my best friend ,which also happened to be Nash's best friend too, Cameron Dallas. I asked if we could meet up and we decided to go meet at Starbucks. I showered, put on my outfit for the day (picture attached) and did my hair into a messy bun. I went downstairs and since it was 9am my mom was in the kitchen preparing some waffles. I took one from the plate that was on the kitchen counter. My mom and I exchanged "good mornings" and I told her that I was going to see Cam and she agreed.

I got to Starbucks and found Cam already there. He came and gave me a huge hug. We then ordered or drinks and sat down. "So what's up?" He asked. Since he was my close friend he knew I had some feelings for Nash so I told him about the mini argument we had. "I knew this was going to come," he said. I looked at him. "I think it is time that you tell him how you feel before things get even worse because you can't keep doing this," he continued. "Doing what?" I asked. "Hiding your feelings and acting strange when he talks about you guys being more than friends. You never know he could feel the same way," he said. To a certain extent he was right. I couldn't hide forever like I have been doing. "I guess you're right Cam," I said with a sigh, "thanks for always being there for me whenever I need you," I said. He replied by saying," Anytime you need me I'm here." We hugged and then he left.


Hope you enjoyed!!!!! Keep reading  :):)

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