🌼A celestial river of love🌼

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(The song on which this os is based on is a Assamese song. Please listen the song. You may not understand the lyrics but its soothing.)
(The lyrics are translated)
Read the translated lyrics otherwise there is no use of reading the os.

)(The lyrics are translated)Read the translated lyrics otherwise there is no use of reading the os

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The smoky murk of winter morning hid the town completely in it as a blanket forming a cold canopy.


আগলি বতাহে সৰালে চুপহি
কাজলী জপা দুচকুৰ পতাত
ধেমালি চলেৰে ক'ৰেনো টিপচী
নিচুকনি গীত জুৰি যাই।

The early wind causes the buds
To fall upon the collyrium of my closed eyes;
In a playful demeanor,
The tailorbird from somewhere composes a lullaby:


The winter blossoms spreading the tranquil aroma of loving felicity, spruce up by the tiny crystals of evaporated shiny dews rained down at the flutter of two love birds lost in each other.

Him absorbed in the calmness of her slumberous countenance.
Her small nose respired making a soft snor.

Her lips parted as it looked a little pale and dry because of the constant breathing and chillness of the atmosphere.

Her dreamy orbs closed, eyelashes resting on the skin of her soft cheeks.
Her pupil moving under her closed lotus patels.

The red dot on her forehead as evening sun shining bright on the valley between her bows is smudged a little.

Maybe last night it came in the contact with his kurta and got smudged.

He slowly moved his lost eyes from her face to his kurta and there, his assumptions were correct.
He noticed a slight redness on the place right beside the first botton of the shirt.

A chuckle left his lips at memory of her cuddling up in him after a long tiring day of fulfilling the duties as a barrister, daughter in law and a wife.

How the expert Barrister Bondita Roy Chowdhury becomes a small toddler in front of her patibabu, shikshak babu, sakha babu, so many more babus, Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury.


শয়নত দুটি নয়ন মধুৰ
দুগালতে আঁউজিলেহি ৰ'দ
ভাগেনে চিকুনে সোণ টোপনি তোমাৰ

মায়াময় উশাহৰ উমে আনে
যাযাবৰী মোৰেনো হেঁপাহক
বুটলি সামৰি তোমাৰেনো কাষৰলে

Two eyes are sweet in bed,
The sunshine leans on the cheeks,
Does it, beloved,
Break your delicate sleep?

Brings a sigh of relief
To my nomadic thirst,
Gathers and collects
Brings me closer to you.

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