🌼His steps, Her elegance 🌼

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Big holes were blown into the sky, the moonlight blew about

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Big holes were blown into the sky, the moonlight blew about. Sometimes a high moon, liquid-brilliant, scudded across a hollow space and took cover under electric, brown-iridescent cloud edges. Then there was a blot of cloud, and shadow. Then somewhere in the night a radiance again, like a vapour. And all the sky was teeming and tearing along, a vast disorder of flying shapes and darkness and ragged fumes of light and a great brown circling halo, then the terror of a moon running liquid-brilliant into the open for a moment.

A young maiden clad in her cotton soft night gown headed down the staircase reaching the neatly organised living room.

Her soft creamy fingers reached for the needle of the gramophone as she made herself comfortable on the sofa kept just beside the small table for the gramophone and telephone.

"There is always a behive of activity in cities at daytime and nighttime" She thought as her eyes looked straight out of the large lancet window towards the busy city outside.

The moment that needle touched the anticipating disc it resonated the room with a soft music of the recorded song.

Her eyes immediately closed to lost in world of her children fascination. The world of prince and princesses. Their magical lovestories.
It was her "me time" after completing all her daily studies and household duties waiting for her Barrister husband.

Soon the time passed and the song completed. She could have put another disc on the gramophone but no she wants to listen the same song on loop today.
Some meaningless commands of her young heart.


It indicated of his presence.

He had atlast returned after working hard all day long and even night. Since they have came to London leaving her beautiful motherland she have noticed the nightly commotions here.
Instead of a little peace.
London is totally opposite of what she had witnessed since childhood.

Floating in her numerous thoughts she reached the door to welcome her dashing husband. Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury.
She opened the not so giant door and there she found him walking towards the door through the open porch.

"Bondita, you still awake? "
Anirudh instantly reached near her to touch her cheeks lightly out of concern and asked.

" Where is the gaurd?.. Did you have had your dinner...Is everything alright?" His bows touched eachother as he asked so many questions in a one go.

"Ohh patibabu, breathe... everything is alright. The gaurds went early as today is his wife's birthday."
Bondita promptly lead him inside and freed the leather bag from his fingers, ready to go inside to keep it in his study.
She soon stopped as felt a tug on her wrist. That familiar touch will always be her favourite but right at the moment she felt it different. Her favourite different.

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