🌼Unexpected encounters 🌼

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"Bondita!!" It is the most sweetest warn anyone could receive

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It is the most sweetest warn anyone could receive.

Eleven year old small Bondita obediently restraint her hands from touching the antic piece of artwork and walked forward holding his index finger.

Her restless eyes busy admiring those
various types of antique pieces and bones of different animals preserved beautifully inside those glass boxes shining in the light from the huge chandeliers hanging on the gambrel.

" Bondita this is the bone of dinasaur."
Anirudh indicated towards one of those glass boxes holding a piece of bone in it.

She looked utterly confused at the mention of 'dinasaur'.

He understood and bent down a little.
" It was animal who lived on this earth thousands of years ago!!"

" In our Tulsipur as well!!"

He nodded.

She squealed in happiness and started jumping around clapping her hands in a delighted manner.
He looked at her and smiled in adoration.
How she find happiness in the simplest of things!!

He looked around still not getting enough of her cuteness and realised that so many eyes are fixed on them.
Some with a smile on their lips and some with a frown.

He softly clasped her small palms in his and slowly accelerated out of the 'British museum of kolkata' to witness so many soaked clouds ready to cry a huge deluge. Sadness unknown!
First rainfall of the season!!

They have to reach the hotel before those furious drops drench them completely in its beautiful aura leading his Bondita to suffer in fever.

Anirudh steps fastened along the dry pathway made of unambiguous patterns.

The sound formed from the friction of dry path and the shoe soles fused tunefully with the gusty winds touching the withered leaves making preparations for nature's opera in which the dreamy drops from heaven would come in to contact with the ground and would gift us different sets of exquisite songs.
Songs without words!!

The clouds beat the drum after a strike of lightening on the open stage, announcing the starting of the nature's performance.

Bondita shut her eyes listening to the roar of the giant sky and held his hands more tightly trying to restrain her fear.
Her patibabu had said her once that the thunder didn't have any power!!
They just know to roar.
The main power lies in that lightning, which is always silent.
Just the way a knowledgeable person would stay silent and contemplate greater things while an unknowledgeable person would uselessly show off his non-existed knowledge.

As all the people rushed to their destinations a few drops of rain touched the skin of them.
With a great force Anirudh bumped with someone causing Bondita to tremble and hit the lamp post near.

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