🌼Dilemma 🌼

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The song on which the os is based on is a masterpiece in Assamese language sang by Lata Mangeshkar ji. The song is attached above.
(English translations are given. Please read it otherwise there's no use of reading the os)

I know that this song is more likely to portray a lady but i have portrayed a male.

I looked out the open window

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I looked out the open window. The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards me. I heard a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter. People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier.
I lazily walked towards the window in my light blue night dress.
The window panes were crazily dancing making rythm with the strong wind hitting them.
I could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

The moon is not in the sky tonight only the cover of dark melancholic crying clouds just like my life.
Those striking thunders felt like some mockery to me and i accepted it without any argument.

In the troubled sea..I.
Came swimming,
Leaving the shores far away;
I'm bewildered.

I slowly shoved my hands on pockets as my mind drifted back to the memory of those carefree, cheerful days with her.
It is first rainfall of the season. I remembered my promise, our promise.
That adorable toothy girn on getting her roshogolla and that mescheivous bitting of her tongue on doing something wrong.
I felt a smile adorning my lips. Her memories always give me peace in this ocean of troubles and problems.
The problems and path which i have choosen. The path of being a ruthless Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury.
Everyone's Barrister babu.
There's a no way returning back to the past. I can't change whatever have already happened.
I even don't know that it was right or wrong. Maybe right.
I was never like this before but the situation forced me to.

In one shore pride of selfishness,
Sign all around is maribund,.
In the other shore horizon
In the other shore horizon
Beam of rays,

Living in the middle of a crossroads. I could see only separation.
I was alone at that time. Neither she was with me nor my conscience.
I had witnessed the lifelong devastation of two villages.
On one side there was the darkness of two villages, tightly wrapped by the wrecked rope of slowly blazing enemity. While on the other, a hope, Bondita.
I always thought that once Bondita returns after completing our dream, she will fix the damage that i have done but..
I slowly pulled out the glasses which i were wearing, the mask of my every hidden emotions and deep agony.
Drops of cool waters kissed my skin as i moved my face a little forward out of the window.

Along the mental shore,
I built the diko.
Never comes the past back!!
A blurred images i found,
Oh i am weary.

I swiftly wipped away all the tiny droplets from my face again masking real me.
There's no use of pondering upon this thoughts again. Just because she have returned doesn't mean that something would change. Because damage is done beyond repair.
"Sakha babu"
My heart resonated a sweet voice making me feel like its bleeding.
I want to appreciate my Barrister Bondita Roy..Das but no i won't.
I can't because i am her enemy and she is mine.
I will have to live a whole life with those beautiful memories as i can't makr new ones.

Death, life, wavy sports;
Immersed into the void,

Sometimes i feels like the life is a gambling, a dengerous one. If we choose the right card, we are the winner but if we choose the wrong one, we are the loser.
Is everyone's life like this or just mine?!
The defeat of this game of life gambling throw us into a deep pit of guilt. Guilt of not doing the right.
A pit from where we can never return or maybe we can if we get a helping hand.
I have Bondita, who will undoubtedly come to pick me up from this grave pit but i don't want that.
Because i knew that instead of helping me, she will fall on the same pit as her vulnerability with hit her on finding me this weak.

A hot air of sign escaped my lips as i closed the window along with the diary of my self- contemplation.
I reached my bed and rested my body on the soft bed. I pulled the comforter up and looked straight at the cheiling.

No dreams too, only fears
Devoid of peace.

Its been years since i have had a peaceful and deep slumber,
Nor any dream,
I always lived in the fear of confronting her, giving answers to her questions on her return.
And still i am afraid to face her, to say my heart.

I tossed on the bed to grabbed a pillow lying beside and hug it.
I missed those days. I missed our hugs. I missed how her small hands wrapped around me giving the utter peace in this world.
I missed my precious jeene ki vajah.
My Bondita...

As we all know that today we have lost a soulful singer

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As we all know that today we have lost a soulful singer. Honourable Lata Mangeshkar ji.
Pray for the peace her soul.

I still haven't read about Anirudh's dilemma about the enemity so i wrote about it. Sorry if there's a mistake and also for short os.
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