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Thomas knew his sleeping habits were going to change once the baby was born. However, he didn't expect it to change much before the baby.

He was old enough to remember his mom being pregnant with both Ada and Finn. He remembers the mood swings and increased appetite. Hell, he even remembers the frequent trips to the bathroom.

What he doesn't remember is insomnia if his mother even had it.

With Evelyn's due date nearing, he finds his wife tossing and turning all night keeping them both awake. He had to be really tired if he didn't feel her crawling out of the bed considering the expanse of her belly.

Evelyn is all belly.

He is scared someday that she will fall over due to how big her stomach is. His wife is a tiny thing and even he is worried about how she is going to push out their son.

He opens his eyes and finds her pacing in front of the window. There is a chill in the room. He assumes she is having a hot flash.

He eyes Evelyn silently. He finds it often he would just take her in. If someone would have told him a year ago he would be married with a kid he would have laughed.

He knew marriage was a prospect that would happen someday. He just didn't think it would be this soon, or with Evelyn Maxwell.

He is relieved she has blended in with the family with ease. It helps that they were all familiar with each other. He knows her from her brother, Silas, being friends with Arthur. Besides, both being of gypsy descent they had a kinship with each other.

He had expected his life to take a drastic change with a wife.

Yet, the changes that are happening were gradual and soft. Soft like the woman before him. He always admired the softness that women carried in themselves. It was hard to see in his household considering his father beat it away with his mother. Aunt Pol was more of a drill sergeant.

Yet with Evelyn, he is able to admire that softness unreserved from the way she would place her layers of clothes on, how she moves so freely around the house, or when it was just the two of them in their room and her hands would trace his scars. Her hands are not withered from harsh work. He knows the one splurge she indulges in is some fancy cream to maintain the integrity of her skin.

"What's got you worried now?"

Evelyn jumps startled. She stops her pacing. "I'm sorry did I wake you?"

Thomas shakes his head as he gets out of bed. "You gonna tell me what's wrong with me girl?"

Evelyn sighs. Her hand caresses her belly as she turns to look out the window. She doesn't answer.

He stands behind her. He wraps his arms around her and his hands rest on her belly. He is rewarded with a kick to his palm. It still weirds him out how her stomach contorts with the movement. He rubs a soothing circle on the area where their son is playing football. "The babe keeping you up?"

"No more than usual."

"But not tonight?"

Evelyn blows a raspberry. She seems reluctant to answer.

"C'mon, tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours."

"So you think I'm pretty?"

"Beautiful," he tells her honestly.

"Even when I look like a cow."

"I don't think I could describe how beautiful you look swollen with my seed."

Eye of the Storm | Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now