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Evelyn trembles. Her thighs quake and her lungs heave as she tries to come down from her euphoria. She thinks she may have seen stars or the heaven her faith believes in. She sucks in a deep breath as she tries to calm her beating heart. Her fingernails scratch her husband's chest. She opens her grey eyes and looks down at her husband, who has a smug look on his face. If she had the energy she would roll her eyes.

"You know I'm surprised by this," she tells him as she shifts above him.

He hisses from sensitivity as he sits up and brings them chest to chest - well chest to belly.

"By what?"

"That you still want me while I'm pregnant," she tells him a matter of factly.

She had been expecting that as soon as her belly became more pronounced that any sexual desires he may have had for her would wane. In the few conversations she had heard from other married women while at the laundry house, their husbands didn't want to have sex with them. Most women only shared a bed with their husbands when it was to become with child.

It was simply never for the sake of their own pleasure.

Being with Thomas, it was almost daily they would become joined. Thomas is the only man she had ever been with. Her experience was only from their first time. She knew Thomas had been with others. There were the insecurities that she wouldn't be able to please him as others would. The fear he would seek comfort from others. She keeps those thoughts to herself.

Instead, she received the opposite. She is sure there was some weird alpha male ego pride thing with him, but Thomas had begun teaching her everything there was to know how to please a man - to please him. There were gentle explorations in the morning. The teasing torture with mouth and fingers. In the afternoons, it was reserved for the raw passion against the walls and desks that would leave her aching for the night to come. The nights were a combination of the two. Sometimes it would be gentle lovemaking with them breathing each other's breath as they slowly grind against each other. Other times, it would be rushed and frenzy, she would be abashed by the many scratches his back would have the following morning.

Yet, the most enlightening part was all the positions. She didn't know her body could move in such different positions and angles. It also helped that with her belly slowly becoming in the way that they needed to get creative.

She had her favored positions though. She did enjoy being on top of Thomas. She liked the power it held being in control of the pleasure. She favored the position they were in now the most though. She loved being chest to chest with him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his arms were around her waist. She loves looking into his eyes, the blue merely a rim as he held her tightly. His eyes always told her everything she needed to know about her husband.

"You listening to those silly girls again?" Evelyn is well aware of how Thomas views some of her friends and the surrounding townspeople.

She rolls her eyes. "I am getting fat."

Thomas huffs. "I'd be concerned if you weren't."


Thomas chuckles and he leans against the headboard. "I'll always want ya."

"Even when my tits start to sag?"

He leers at her exposed breasts. "Even when yer tits start to sag."

Evelyn rolls her eyes.

Her husband is sweeter than she expected him to be. Yet, romantic would be a loose term she would ever use.

Eye of the Storm | Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now