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Evelyn wakes up with a wince as she feels the tightness in her breasts. Looking down she spots two very familiar wet spots that have become additions to her wardrobe.

She knew motherhood wasn't going to be easy. However, she thinks the hardest adjustment has been her body. Her body feels foreign to her now. She feels like she doesn't own it anymore.

She sits up being mindful of Thomas asleep behind her. She smiles as he is more attentive than she thought he would be. He never hesitates to change nappies or put Jamie to sleep. He isn't ashamed to be seen holding his son either as he conducts business around town. He is a wonderful attentive father. Thomas almost reminds her of her late father.

She knows she only has a few minutes before Jamie himself will be awake wanting his midnight snack.

As soon as she sits up, on cue, her baby boy begins to whimper. She picks him up quickly and with his eyes closed, he is already rooting for her breast.

He latches on quickly and she sighs at the release of pressure. She sits in the rocking chair that Thomas got for the room while Jamie is still with them. It's the most treasured item in the house.

She looks down at Jamie as he sucks eagerly. His eyes are still closed hiding those bright blue eyes that he got from his father. According to Thomas and everyone else, Jamie was turning into her spitting image.

Jamie is an easy baby though. Rarely fussy. He enjoys just watching and observing the world around him. Polly has mentioned a time or two that they are spoiling him as he is constantly held.

She smiles at her baby. Nothing in the world would ever make her regret her baby boy. Nothing. She knows her son is the greatest thing that has ever happened to her.

His sucking slows and soon he detaches. It is almost instant a burp erupts from his lips that makes him squirm.

She moves him to the other breast, but the boy is fast asleep. She tries to wake him gently, but he is lost in dreamland. The scent of her milk does nothing to rouse him.

She sighs as her breast is painfully engorged.

"Everything alright?" Thomas asks, voice thick with sleep.

She stands up to place Jamie in his cradle. "Everything's okay. You can go back to sleep."

She looks for the extra cup they keep in the room and she goes back to the rocking chair.

"What are you doing?" Thomas sounds fully awake now. She hears him move up from the bed.

"I need to get rid of the milk."

Thomas stands in front of her now and grabs the cup and places it on the small table next to the chair. His eyes are on the one exposed breasts from her untied chemise.

She watches curiously as he brings his hand up and cups her breasts. She shivers from his warm hand.


Her voice trails off as he bends down and latches on the nipple. She is startled by this action, but she releases a pain mixed with ecstasy at the feeling of the milk being released.

He kneels completely and settles between her legs. She presses him closer as he sucks softly.

It is a different feeling from their son's demanding grasp with his toothless gums.

"Harder," she whispers and he complies.

Thomas's sucking is gentle as his nose is pressed against her chest. He continues as the flow ebbs and eventually stops.

Eye of the Storm | Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now