Chap - 31 From their dreams come peace

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Chapter 31

From their dreams come peace

Link awoke in a cloud of dust. And before he could catch his breath from the fall from the castle, the hacking slash of Malroc's demonic sword was already over top of him. There was no time to dwell on the fleeting memories of the past. The present needed him, and he had to act fast.

"Time to wake up, Mr. Hero!" Malroc roared, and the fall of his sword rang, a metallic chime of death.

Link instinctively lunged out of the way so fast that the mighty titan's blade came bearing down on the old table where his shadow still lay. The young warrior dodged the incoming blow within a hair's breadth.

More ash and dust kicked up, clouding the whole area. Through that chaotic haze, Link used it as an opportunity to bolt across the broken building outside onto the street. What was once a bustling city square was now an unrecognizable crumbling maze of tattered shops and homes. Nothing like the peaceful, quaint recollection from his memories.

Pristine cobblestone roads were broken up, and entire dwellings were laid bare to their foundations with nothing left to them but the silent skeletons of broken beams and pillars. Their remains littered with the rotting flesh of dead soldiers and monsters alike.

The old titan growled as he menacingly stomped through the ruins. Through dusty smoke, he taunted while he searched. "I must admit, your feeble attack caught me off guard back up there atop the castle...It even knocked the breath out of me!' The demon said, laughing it off as a silly trifle, shrugging the dust from his towering shoulders. "But, don't let that go to your head, though. It will be the last time!"

His evil voice continued to echo through the disarray. "Even if by some miracle you manage to defeat me and destroy what's left of my army today, the witch will come and finish what I've started. They will destroy you all. Do you hear me?  The Dark Lord's dream shall become a reality." Malroc then seethed through his teeth and yelled while searching for Link through the ruin. "You understand now, insolent child! You never had a chance! It's over for you!"

Hidden among the shadows of the rubble, the calm voice of Link ventured out with quiet confidence. "Well then, I guess I have no choice but to stop you before they come. Thanks for giving me the heads up. At least I'll know to keep an eye out for them for when they arrive. And if that's the case, I'll just have to deal with them the way I will with you."

Malroc hissed. "Arrogant little fool...The witch's power is far beyond your comprehension. Even I cannot hold a candle to their power."

Link leaned back against the decrepit stone wall, chewing on the monster's words.

"Even now, they are on their way here."

"Yeah, well, I heard you the first time." Link said brazenly.

Instantaneously, Malroc moved through the debris plume and appeared in front of him. Thick smoke rolled over his impenetrable hide like waves upon ocean sand.

"Now, you...DIE!" the monster roared vigorously, sword held high above his head yet again.

Link jumped to the side, dodging his ill attempted strike, disappearing again among the rubble. But for the life of him, he couldn't understand why it was so easy to outmaneuver the monster. Certainly, this wasn't his best. Not in the slightest.

So, why was he dragging the fight out? There was no way he could have dodged so easily, not in the current state he was in. What tricks could he be up to? It seemed like the beast was having a sport and was toying with him. Delighting in the slow advance like a lion would when encircling its prey during a hunt. Taking pleasure in every moment before the kill.

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