tinykit, bluekit and flowkit where now 5 moons old larkpaw and stonepaw had just left camp to train with Thair new mentors just a few moons ago tinykit had dreamed of wavekit who had died at 2 moons, but he knew thet he, bluekit and flowkit would make it to become apprentices then warriors
little did he know how wrong he was, stormylark and russetstone speak to each other near the wet rock flowkit, bluekit and tinykit snuck outa camp under flowkit's lead
they saw a brown tabby tomcat who they knew was dustflow
flowkit led her siblings away but she fell down the edge of a cave and died
they had no clue if it was the two legs or the fall
thet had killed Thair's sister
a tiny whisker -story of tinywhisker-
Fiksi Penggemara tiny kit is born in riverclan whet will happen to him?