lionstar's kits (chapter 5)

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lionstar sat down next to his brother beestripe "how did you end up with her?" beestripe asked his brother, lionstar looked away as he was ready to speak "when I was a warrior..." he started to mew

+flashback starts+

a young golden cat stepped out from the shadows passing a pretty she-cat "goldenspin!" he yelped just seeing the pretty golden cat standing proudly where she was

a young golden cat stepped out from the shadows passing a pretty she-cat "goldenspin!" he yelped just seeing the pretty golden cat standing proudly where she was

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she then turned her face to him while licking her paw 

"hello, lionfur" goldenspin looked at her warrior friand the two cats blushed and they both saw it "mates?" they Siad at the same time "ok" smiled goldenspin 

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"hello, lionfur" goldenspin looked at her warrior friand the two cats blushed and they both saw it "mates?" they Siad at the same time "ok" smiled goldenspin 

+flashback ends+

"thet just sounded odd" growled beestripe "it was" lionstar told him "whet about your kits?" asked beestripe 

+flashback starts+

"lionfur, you will be the RiverClan deputy from this day forward. May StarClan grant you the courage to help your Clan face whatever lies in its path. And when the time comes for you to take my place, I pray you will shine at the head of our Clan." mewed a gray-black tomcat after the rest of the meeting lionfur went to the nursery

lionfur looked at goldenspin and three tiny kits fallenkit, goldkit and furrykit Thair kits Thair's daughters

lionfur looked at goldenspin and three tiny kits fallenkit, goldkit and furrykit Thair kits Thair's daughters

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+flashback ends+

goldkit and furrykit come from the nursery as fallenkit enters

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