tinywhisker looked over at his sister bluestorm goldenspin would soon have her kits beestar was busy leading the clan
"beestar! the kits are being born" yelped lawful from the med den beestar went over a few min litter beestar came out of the med den and told the clan thet two toms and an she-cat were born
one moon later goldenspin and beestar were hanging out with thair kits
"silverkit! don't do thet" beestar told his only daughter while she danced near the thorn bush her brother, lionkit jumped onto thair another littermate and brother stripekit "kits lets go to the nursery" meowed goldenspin just a few moons later, silverkit had been killed by a rouge after sneaking out
"She was only 4 moons...." goldenspin meowed, thet same day she asked beestar if they chould take thair last kits to the moonstone to see lionstar now thet they were 5 moons thet is where they were going, silverpaw and her mentor Stonewear went out for herbs, silverpaw was the med app cuz she broke her leg on the thunderpath, lawful had died trying to save silverkit but failed and died with her the kits where happy to go outside camp "well we see silverkit?" asked stripekit "I don't know..." meowed beestar
"let's go, stormpaw, mistypaw?" beestar looked over at silverpaw's littermates who looked back
"Come with us" he told them "Whet about me?" asked silverpaw "fine..." sighed beestar tinywhisker guessed he did not really want silverpaw in the clan at the moonstone silverpaw stood far away and stormpaw and mistypaw stood guard outside they first saw silverkit
then they saw lionstar "I hope I can be leader like you lionstar!" purred lionkit after a little bit of talking "no thet will be me stripestar! Thair's never been a stripestar!" growled stripekit
back at camp bluestorm and tinywhisker were sitting on the leader's rock talking tinywhisker had saw dragonpaw - now dragonfire and had a crush on the thunderclan she-cat her loyalty was strong to all cats
"I don't know why beestar trusted me with an apprentice" bluestorm meowed, her apprentice was mistypaw "because were good warriors... and you saved his kits" tinywhisker meowed "expect for silverkit" bluestorm told him back at the moonstone lionstar was still thair with the family
they played with him one did a small pounce the other jumped
"let's go back" beestar meowed after a while back at camp stonefall went over to stormpaw, stonefall was his mentor the next day beestar played near the river with lionkit and stripekit lionstar watched over from beside nobody saw him with his starclan skills
"Can you teach us to hunt daddy?" asked lionkit "am sure he can show you one skill" meowed goldenspin going over to watch her kits he showed his kits a hunting skill and they were all over him
"larkfur!" stormpaw growled over to his mentor's sister stonefall and larkfur had earned thair warrior names one moon before stormpaw and mistypaw were made apprentices
a tiny whisker -story of tinywhisker-
Fanfictiona tiny kit is born in riverclan whet will happen to him?