"What about crow?" asked lilacfoot the black-gray tom sitting right by her looking up at the back of the camp he growled sprawling his claws, windclan was attacking! thair leader slashstar growling as his father, clawwind came into view the elderly warrior following his son
slashstar's littermate, bloodflight growled coming into the camp jumping onto crow who pushed him off growling and fireflood, his other littermate also joined the fight "good moves you should be a warrior now" sagefur purred
as the battle continued a few more cats joined the fight tinypaw saw one he thought he knew as a kit but did not remember
it was his father's littermate and sister flame formerly flamepaw she left as an apprentice and became a loner "I want to return here and won't let you take riverclan down!" she growled at the windclan warriors after getting slashstar as a prisoner and an elder of riverclan named slashtail, his former warrior's name "Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!" yelped beestar "we have two new warriors in riverclan!" he purred "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. he has joined by the Clan code, and it is with special pride that we watch him today pass from rouge to warrior. he has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior of RiverClan. crow, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" asked beestar "yes" mewed crow fallenpaw went over to tinypaw
a tiny whisker -story of tinywhisker-
Fanfictiona tiny kit is born in riverclan whet will happen to him?