1.) Surprise!

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A/N Told in Esmeray's point of view unless stated otherwise!

Tomorrow is Leon's birthday, January 7th, he'll finally be 18! I heard him talking about of stupid convention he wants to go to, he really wants to go to. I think I'll take him, am I going to hate it? Not entirely, but he said he wants to go dressed as Spiderman, which a lot of people do at these apparently.

I know Leon has a new Spiderman suit from last Halloween, we went as Spiderman and Maleficent for a party my friend had. He's younger than me, 6 years apart, but we are inseparable. Besides my friends like him, he can bring a party to life! Leon always makes jokes for every situation and has such a contagious laugh. He sure can make you happy when you're feeling down.

Timestamp: January 7th; 10:14 AM

I printed out the Comic-Con tickets and slowly sneak down our stairs and towards the kitchen. Some of our floorboards are creaky in the halls and Leon is a very light sleeper some days. I put his ticket in a gift bag with a new Fitbit watch.

I want to make him some cinnamon roll pancakes and homemade hashbrowns.

Do we have any fruit? Yes, apples! I cut some apples and put them in small bowls next to our plates.

I just finished breakfast, let's wake Leon. I knock lightly as I open his door. I lean in his doorway

"Knock knock, wake up sleepy head."

He doesn't move an inch. I look at him and then look at his TV that's giving a faint glow. The Playstation home screen is still pulled up.

Game time waits for nobody, how late did you go to bed, dude?

I walk over to his bed and kneel down next to him. I slowly rub his back.

"Leon, I made breakfast. Pancakes, hashbrowns, and apples. Do you wanna eat?"

Leon turns slowly towards me, still with his eyes closed.

"You said pancakes?" He says sleepily, slowly opening his eyes.

"Yes, pancakes. Happy birthday, kiddo. I'll let you wake up."

I get up and walk towards the door. "You know, when you wake me up like that, it reminds me of mom. I'll be right out."

I turn around and look at him, as I smile he says, "You smile like her too, ya know?" "Thank you. I miss her too, we haven't been home in a while. We'll talk about visiting later."

I close the door lightly and start making my way back to the kitchen.

We moved away from home after mom's mental state took a dive and dad started to beat on Leon. I'll never forget that day, mom signed some papers giving me custody of Leon before she checked into the mental hospital. This was 3 years ago, she was finally stable enough to check out about 8 months ago. I'm not sure what happened with dad after he was given the divorce papers. I don't really care about it either way. Our Aunt Kirsty took care of the house while mom was gone and after dad left. We haven't seen anyone since I got those papers.

But, we're happy here in our apartment. I got a really good job 2 years ago. I make $20.75 an hour, which is really good for this small area we live in. Only about 30 minutes from our old house. Leon went and got a part-time job, he makes $11 an hour. I told him he never has to pay for anything in this house, his job is for him to have his own money to spend. The only thing I have him do in the house is dishes, trash, and sometimes cooking, but he volunteers to cook most days.

I hear loud footsteps running down the hall, I look up to see Leon darting to the table.

"Looks good! I'm hungry! What juice do we have?"

I laugh lightly and open the fridge door. "Geez, kid! We have orange and apple, which do you want?"

"Orange!" I knew he was going to say that. I grab our cups and pour some out.

Leon basically inhaled his food and waited for me to finish.

"Okay, I have a gift for you." I say getting up from the table. Before I can grab my plate Leon takes it.

"I could have got that." "No, don't worry about it." "Okay, thank you. Before you wash anything, sit down." Leon slowly sits down and looks at me, patiently waiting for his gift. I grab the bag off the fridge top and hand it to him. "Here you go, happy birthday."

Leon opens the bag, pulls out the FitBit watch, "Wow! This is sick! I love this red color! Thank you!"

"That's not all that's in there. Look at the bottom." He looks confused. Oh boy is he in for a surprise. "Oh, okay..."

He pulls out the paper ticket and reads it, then looks at me and goes back to the paper. His jaw dropped and I could see tears in his wide eyes.

He quickly pushes back from the table knocking the chair over on his way up. Leon runs over to me and hugs me. "Thank you, so much. I love you. You can't be serious right now."

"I'm very serious, buddy. I know you really wanna go, so let's do it!" Leon is 6'4 and I'm 5'5 so he's almost breaking his back to hug me. "Leon, you need to let you, you're going to hurt your back. Plus, you're low-key choking me."

He pulls away. "Oops, I'm sorry. I appreciate you so much!" His smile is what I live for. It just sparkles against his darker complexion, it's just lovely. "Anything to see you happy, hun. So, what do you wanna do today? We can do anything you want."

He looks at me with an even bigger smile, slowly making a mischievous face. Oh no. I know wants to come out of his mouth. "Can we go watch Far From Home?" Anything for him. Anything for him. He knows I hate Marvel and superheroes. "Yes, of course. Anything for you."


Word count: 1056

First chapter down, more to go! Hope you're enjoying it so far!

~Blessed Be.


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