4.) Conventions and Celebrities-Part 1

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*Time Stamp: June 24th; 9:04 PM*

"Turn left in 600 feet." Google tells me. Wow, this city is beautiful! I admire the lights brightly shining on the already busy street. I peek at the back seat, the boys are still out like a light. They better not disturb me after this long drive.

"Turn left." Thanks, Google. "Your destination is on the left." I look to my left as I creep down the street. The hotel building is huge, there's no way in hell this is the right place. It just looks absolutely marvelous. The Tipton "You have arrived at your destination." Sick. I look at the phone sitting to my right on the phone mount still. "Okay guys, We have arrived. We'll be keeping you updated on this adventure. Sorry, this wasn't a super exciting dive. My boys are super tired, been staying up too late. Love you all, peace." I ended the stream as I parked in the hotel's lot.

I look around the inside of my car, all the boys look so peaceful, but nap time is over. It's time to go check-in, we have a long day tomorrow. I'm quite excited to actually get out and do something for once.

I start rubbing Leon's arm to make him wake up. "Hey bud, we're here, it's time to get up." Leon's eyes slowly open as he pushes himself up from the way he was positioned in the seat. "Okay, okay. I'm up." He starts stretching as I get out of the car.

It's a little chilly for a June night, but we are in a different state. I open my car door to the back seat. I start playing with Hunter's hair to get him up. "Hey love, it's time to get up, okay?" Hunter flutters his eyes open and starts to pull his body out from the uncomfortable way he was sleeping. He looks at me and nods as he yawns. He looks pretty adorable when he's sleepy.

I shut the door to his side and walk around to be where Jasper is sleeping. Hunter opens the trunk while I go to get Jasper up. I open the door and start rubbing the back of my hand on his cheek. "Jasper, it's time to wake up hun. We made it to the hotel." He opens his eyes slowly and grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of it. "Thank you for waking me. Let's get moving." I give him a smile and let him finish getting up. We all have our ways of waking each other up. I'm always super gentle waking people up, sometimes I fuck with them and scare them.

I go to and grab my bags from the trunk. I only brought 2, my suitcase and my emergency bag. I know, I'm such a mom friend. The boys are grabbing all the other bags. I'm not sure what compels them to have to bring so many bags. They need to bring all kinds of games and activities. I start walking towards the hotel, ahead of the boys. I just wanna lay down.

"Oi, wait up! Why are you moving so fast?" Leon starts running with his 3 bags with a worried expression on his face. "I'm okay. I just really need to lay down. I'm tired, it was a long drive." I give him a small smile as we keep moving. "Okay Es, we're right behind you."

As I make it to the front doors the boys catch up. We all start to walk in together. As we get inside, I'm absolutely shocked. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside. There's a large golden chandelier with gorgeous glass detailing hanging from the tall, tall ceiling. The floor tiles are white and black with a silver lining. The walls had beautiful paintings on them and small lights on them to brighten up the pictures. The bottom of the walls had black trim, adding a beautiful depth.

"Hunter, you've outdone yourself, love." I look at him in awe with a huge smile on my face. "Bud, this is amazing. How much was this?" Jasper asks in a very excited tone towards Hunter. Hunter sucks his teeth and makes a 'tisk' noise while he lowers his head and shakes it. "Dude, you don't even wanna know. I'll go grab keys and check us in." "We'll discuss this later, Hunter." I pat him on the back giving him that 'look' as he walks away. Man, I need to know how much he spent. I also need to know how he got the money for this.

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