5.) Conventions and Celebrities-Part 2

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TW: Slight mention of an anxiety attack! I will add a note where it stops and ends!

*Time Stamp: June 26th; 1:16 PM*

Esmeray's POV

The guys and I are wandering around the inside of the convention center just trying to kill some time. They are all dressed in the same suits as yesterday, but without their masks for now. I have them in my big ass mom bag I always have with me.

I'm just wearing a brown short sleeve shirt with a slight train in the back that falls to my knees, a pair of dark blue jeggings, black Converses, and a pair of silver TARDIS earrings. I also have a large over-the-shoulder purse that has a print making it look like a TARDIS. There's a side pocket that holds my 10th Doctor-themed sonic screwdriver, yes it does light up and make a buzzing noise.

Hunter kept complaining because they all have to wear a thong with the suits so there are no underwear lines or whatever they said. The guys did this to themselves, but I'm the one who has to listen to them constantly complain about how annoying the thong is. Welcome to how it feels to be a woman, buddy.

Apparently, there's a panel interview with Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon that Hunter heard about on Twitter this morning. Of course, I gotta go with these nerds.

There are so many people here today, it's ridiculous. I hate crowded areas, they give me major anxiety. I'm lucky I have my boys with me, if I get too anxious, I can just cling to one of them. As we make our way into the large room the panel is being held in, I start playing with the hem of my shirt, something I tend to do when I get anxious.


I start overthinking everything I'm doing. I start focusing on my feet too much, left, right, left, right, left, left. Shit. I slightly trip myself but I recover smoothly. I start curling my slightly clammy hand into a ball and then uncurling it, I start repeating the motion. I watch Leon trying to guide me towards some seats. I can SEE the guys talking to each other, but my hearing is focused on everything else around me. I can hear the footsteps of everyone else around us. I can hear the music they are playing from the speakers. There's no way this music is actually this fucking loud.

Leon and Jasper are smiling and laughing as they talk to each other. Hunter is just watching and butting in when he can. I know they are joking and enjoying themselves. They have such lovely smiles.

I start focusing on my breathing too hard. Shit. Shit. Shit! The music seems to be getting louder, my breathing seems so loud too. Why is it so fucking loud!? My heart feels like it's trying to run away and I don't think I could catch it.

My legs are heavy, so heavy. It's so fucking hot in here. Why is it so hot? I start to snap my fingers and reach out to whoever is in front of me. I can't really tell who it is but from the feel of the soft skin and build of the arm, it was Hunter, I think.

It's so hot, I can't breathe. The person I grabbed turns to me and pulls me to the side. I can hear everything. Why is everything loud?! "Es! Es! Esmeray!" Hunter is shouting at me and snapping his fingers in my face, trying to get me to look at him. My eyes keep unfocusing, I can't respond, it feels like something is stuck in my chest. Help me! Is all I wanna say, but I can't. But I can't say it, it won't come out!

I keep blinking, trying to get my eyes to stay focused. It's not working! Fuck! I see Hunter tap Jasper's arm, before Jasper can turn around completely he notices me out of the corner of his eye. "Hunter, we gotta get her out of here." Please! I know he's trying to not be loud to attract attention, but I can hear him clear as day.

Everything is loud!

I can barely see but I think Jasper taps Leon because I notice another figure turn around. Oh no. I don't think I can walk much longer. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. All I can hear is noise, I can't figure out what any of the boys are saying. Get me out of here, for fucks sake! You fucking idiots! Don't just stand there! I try making an annoyed face, but I feel like I have no control over my body at this point. I'm sweating like crazy, it feels as hot as Satan's ass crack in here. I think my effort pays off because someone's head snaps back at the other guys and they start pulling me away. Thank you.

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