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1 hour.

5:50 AM

I didn't realize time was going this fast. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Not bad." I said. My mother was going crazy and told me I had to dress nice. So, I threw on my favorite floral dress and some short leather boots. And of course I had to put my own spin on it. A white flower crown to top it all off. I looked nice.

55 minutes.

5:55 AM

Wow, I spent 5 minutes looking at myself in the mirror? I figured I should do something productive. I started to pack my schoolbag. Mathbook, homework, lunch, the book I was reading, that's about it.

50 minutes.

6:00 AM

Well, I do have a lot of time until I needed to catch the bus, might as well take a nap since I was really tired from getting up so early. I put my head phones in and slowly drifted off to sleep.

5 minutes.

6:50 AM

I opened my eyes and stared at my white celing. I moaned and rolled over on my side looking directly at my alarm clock. 6:50 it glowed neon green. As soon as the realization set in I jumped out of bed at the speed of light. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh." I kept muttering to myself. I found a mirror and started brushing my messy deep rich hazel brown hair. at this moment in time I wasn't paing attention to my wrist, I was just focused on making it to the bus on time. I flew out the door in a matter of seconds. I made it to the end of my driveway only then realizing I left my backpack. "UGHHHHHHH" I cried. I quickly ran back snached my backpack and grabbing an apple for breakfast. I ran out my front door yet again praying I didn't miss the bus. Just as I got to the end of my street I noticed my bus. "WAITTTTT!" I yelled. I quickly ran towards the bus. And because I am such a klutz I tripped over my own feet. "Owww." I moaned as my head hit the rough pavement. I felt my bookbag spill all of its contents. Could this day get any worse?! I forced my head up off of the ground and my eyes met an unfamiliar face. "Need a hand?" he said softly. "Um yeah, Thanks." I said awkwardly. As he grabbed my hand to help me up, I noticed my wrist.

0 minutes

6:55 AM

0:00 It said. So this was him, I thought. He was good looking I guess. Dark brown hair, Blue eyes, kind face. I was just about to ask him his name when I was cut off by a car horn. Right, the bus. "I should probably go now..." I said. I ran to the bus with my bag and sat at a seat. "Nice first impresson Evelyn." I thought to myself sarcastically.

Throughout the whole day I couldn't take him off my mind. Thinking of plans and what to say to him next. The day flew by, next thing I new I was on the bus again. I looked out the window at my stop and saw him there again. "Don't mess it up this time" I thought. When I got off I noticed he had something in his hand, My book. I walked up to him and he said to me, "Ummm... You dropped this before school." He handed it to me and I took it. "Thanks." I replied. "Listen, ummmm..." "Eveyln" I said. "Tyler." He replied and shook my hand. "Earlier today, when we met. My clock ummmm.. well, turned to zero." Tyler said. "Mine too." I shot right back. "So, I guess we're soulmates?" Tyler asked. "It seemes so." I giggled. "Mind if I walk with you?" He asked. "Not at all." I replied.

We talked. We talked a lot. Apparently he likes Youtube, art and reading. When we got to my house I didn't want the conversation to end. So, it didn't. I invited him in. As we walked past the kitchen, my mom had a suspicious look on her face. "Who is this?" She asked. "Just a friend." I said. We both looked at each other and smiled. I continued on to my bedroom and opened the door for him. As soon as I walked in I lounged on my beanbag chairs. They were my favorite part of my room. He sat down right next to me. He looked around my room and his eyes stopped at my pokemon collection. "Cool! you like Pokemon? which one is your favorite?" He said excitedly. "Vaporeon." I said confidently. "No way, me too! i'm not even kidding. He said still looking away from me. "I guess we really are made for each other... " He laughed and turned his head towards me. our lips were extremely close. "Sorry..." Tyler said shyly. "No need," I replied leading in to kiss him. Our lips touched and sparks flew, l was in heaven. And at that moment I knew I would be with him for the rest of my life.



Okay so this was my first chapter of my first book and i'm really excited to continue. This really means a lot to me if you took the time to read this. Really, Thank you.



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