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20 minutes
6:35 AM
This is it. This was the day I'd been waiting for my entire life, the day I met my soulmate. I've always been very nervous for when this day comes, chances are I will be with this person the rest of my life. I cared way too much, I always do. I'm the guy who sits in the back of the classroom always going unnoticed. But that's okay.
I walked into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. The first thing I noticed were my big bulky glasses. Ugh I always hated them, they made me look like a nerd. Oh wait, I was. I loved Pokemon and Runscape, but most of all I loved youtube. YouTube puts me in a better place. Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Captain Sparklez, ERB, MyHarto, Connor Franta, Jacksfilms, you name it! I've watched it.
I brushed my dark brown hair and threw on a black hoodie with a grey shirt. I looked at my watch, '6:45' it glowed. Then I looked at my wrist,
10 minutes 31 seconds.
I jumped at the sight. I speed walked into my dark blue, messy room. I walked over to my nightstand where I kept all my important stuff, you know, phone, headphones, Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon cards, all the essentials. I scrambled through the untidy mess of whatever was on top of my nightstand today. My headphones were nowhere in sight. "Not today." I growled. I ripped my blankets off my already messy bed. And of course, there they were. "Thank you.." I mumbled.
5 minutes
6:50 AM
I paced around my room nervously. 5 minutes and counting. Wait, why am I still in my room? Who am I going to meet here, in my house? I didn't have to worry about school, I graduated last year. Might as well walk down the street to see if I could find her, or him... Or it.
I put my headphones in and started playing a video from Jacksfilms. "Yesterday I asked you, what is your biggest fear? Here are your best answers." Said the familiar voice. I walked out the door and onto the rough pavement.
2 minutes
I stared at my watch. 2 minutes. 2 minutes until I meet them. 2 minutes until I meet the person I will stay with the rest of my life. Now 1 minute. I was almost sweating. I didn't even realize I was at my old bus stop. "WAITTTT" I heard someone yell. It sounded like a girl. I turned around and saw my old bus, how had I not noticed that! The girl seemed to be running after the bus. Wait, could this be her? I looked at my watch
I felt something or someone run into me. I jumped back. I looked at my wrist and sure enough it was at 0:00.
"Need a hand?" I reached out my arm to help her up. She grabbed my hand and got up. She stared directly at me. She had beautiful emerald green eyes and gorgeous brown hair. I loved the flower crown she had on. "Ummm... Yeah, Thanks." She said nervously. She looked like she was about to ask me something, but then the bus driver honked at us. I always hated that bus driver, maybe that's why I always drove to school. "I should probably go now..." The girl grabbed her bag and ran onto the bus. As the bus drove away reality set in. "Wait! I don't even know your name!" But it was too late. The bus was already out of earshot. As I turned to go into town, on the ground was a book she must have dropped. The title read, 'timeline.'
I figured I'd come back when the bus drops her off. I put the book under my arm and set off towards downtown.
7:15 AM
I opened the door to my favorite coffee shop. The little bell chimed and rose's face turned towards me and smiled. Rose was the owner of this coffee shop and was older than me. Much older. Not to be rude or anything, but she was in her mid 50's. "Hello Ty, what can I get you?" She said in a welcoming voice. "The usual." I replied. "Coming right up!" She disappeared into the back. I got out my wallet and pulled out a 5 dollar bill. A couple minutes later she came back with my usual, a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. Yeah, I know, very childish. "This should cover it." I said. "Thank you Tyler, have a nice day." She smiled sweetly. "you too." I replied. I sat down at a booth. It was very busy in here for a Tuesday. I started looking at the book she dropped. Seems interesting enough. I flipped the book over and read the back cover.
When a girl finds a mysterious golden hourglass necklace she is granted the ability to go forward or backward in time. But when the necklace goes missing humanity could be in serious danger.
sounds cheesy. Just as I was about to read a bit, a group of three girls walk over to my table and sit down. The one that looks like the leader sits right next to me.
"Uhhhh... Hi?" I start.
"Lindsay" says the one with blond hair and a low dress.
"Rebecca" the one that is chewing gum and is wearing way to tight clothing.
"Stacie" says the one sitting next to me as she shakes my hand.
"Tyler..." I say a bit confused.
"Come here often?" Says Stacie.
"Uh yeah actually."
wait are they flirting with me?
"Listen," Stacie said sharply.
"I noticed you around town lately, and you seem pretty cute. I want you to be my boyfriend."
"Wait, wha-?" I exclaimed only to be cut off by the blonde haired one. "A lot of guys want to date her. I'd take the offer if I were you." she said looking at her nails.
"Sooo...?" Stacie said impatiently.
"I-I have a girlfriend" I lied.
Stacie leaned her head back and laughed. "No, really, I-" I was cut off by her grabbing my head and kissing me. "ARE YOU CRAZY-" I yelled pushing away from her. Only again for her to start kissing me again. Only this time, I slapped her. "OWW!" She cried and brought her hand up to her face. My eyes widened when I noticed her wrist. It was at 0:00.
I was her soulmate.
But she wasn't mine.
I suddenly felt really bad.
"Listen, Stacie, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I-I just thought you were the one."
She and her posse walked out of the shop. She looked like she was about to cry.
I messed up.

The day passed really quickly after that. I walked around town alone. With nothing else better to do I walked back to the bus stop. Once I arrived, the bus was due to come in 5 minutes. I spent that time kicking this one rock around and listening to my music. The bus pulled up in front of me. And there she was yet again looking like a model. She didn't take her eyes off me. "You dropped this before school, Uh.. Listen..." I started.
"Evelyn" she replied.
What a pretty name.
"Tyler" I shook her hand.
"Listen, Evelyn."
I decided to be upfront with her.
"My, well... My clock ran out of time when we met earlier today, did yours?" I asked. Bracing myself for the answer. I didn't want to end up like Stacie. "Yes" Evelyn said.
I smiled. So did she.
"so I guess we're soulmates" I said.
"It seems so" she answered.
"Mind if I walk with you?" I asked. "Not at all" she said.

We talked for a bit. She likes youtube and music, like me! When we got to her house she invited me in, how could I refuse? The second we walked in the door Evelyn's mom looked at me suspiciously, then it clicked in her brain.
"Who is this?" She asked.
"Just a friend." Evelyn answered. I smiled at her and she did the same. I noticed her mom had a sly smirk on her face.
She went ahead and led me upstairs to what I assumed was her bedroom. Her room was so cool. It was a lavender color and she had a loft bed too. Evelyn plopped down on one of the many bean bag chairs and made a patting motion implying for me to sit next to her. I sat down on the blue one next to her. I was still admiring the beauty of her room. My eyes scanned the walls until something on a shelf caught my eye. No way.
"Cool! You like Pokemon? Which one is your favorite?" I exclaimed. "Vaporeon" she stated.
Oh my gosh this girl is the best.
"No way, mine too! I'm not even kidding." I said still looking at the collection.
"I guess we really are made for each other..." I said whilst turning my head towards her. I realized our lips were uncomfortably close.
"Sorry..." I said blushing and looking at the floor.
"No need.." She replied closing the distance between us with a kiss. This was the happiest I've been in my life.
"I-I think I like you Eve"
"I think I like you too."
And from that moment on I knew we would be together.
Thank you for like 17 reads????
I didn't think I'd get three
This is literally the second day of writing.


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