Alice Part 1

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5 hours 

3:00 AM

My friends dragged me to the mall. I've always hated the mall, i'm more of a tomboy. I never should have told them that I was to meet my soulmate today. I didn't care that much, but for their sake, I let them drag me to the mall.

My friends are Avery, Harper and Anna.

Avery is the most girly person you will ever meet.

Harper is super creative and loves fashion. I swear, one day she will be the next Coco Chanel.

And Anna is more of a tomboy, like me, but she has a whole 'nerd' vibe that I don't have.

Everyone insisted we go to a clothing store first, we all agreed. But we all had different ideas of where to go.

"Forever 21!" Avery insisted

"No, Topshop!" Harper argued

"All of you are wrong! Hot topic!" Anna practically yelled.

"Guys. we're gonna get kicked out!" I said in a hushed tone.

They completely ignored me and kept arguing.

"We can go to all three," I said using my arms to force them apart. "Topshop first."

"Yesssss..." Harper whispered.

At first Anna and Avery seemed angered, but they came to their senses. Topshop is actually really cool. Nothing really eventful happened along the way, we passed a lot of shops, someone tried to sell me a phone case. We finally reached the store and went in. The place screamed color and the ceiling was so tall. Harper looked ecstatic. Everyone went in separate directions, obviously. I wasn't that interested in fashion, and I wasn't much of a help. I got out my phone and went on twitter.

"4 hours until I meet my soulmate #nervous #jk"

"aaaaaaaaaand... tweet."

it got boring real fast.

about 10 minutes later all of them came back suprisingly at the same time. They all had exactly one outfit for me, it didn't look too expensive. Everyone urged me to try on theirs first. Why do they always have to argue?

"Mine first!"

"No mine!"

"Mine's the best" 

They all argued crowding me. 

"Why don't you all just play rock paper scissors?" I suggested jokingly.

They all glanced at each other. "Okay" they all said in unison.

Anna played Harper first.

"Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT" Anna and Harper said together.

"Rock!" said Harper. "Paper!" said Anna.

"I WON!" Yelled Anna.

"No fair! why does paper cover rock anyway?" argued Harper

"Its best to not question it." Anna replied.

"You don't win yet." interjected Avery.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"Scissors" Anna said. "Paper" Avery said.

"YET AGAIN!" Anna yelled.

"No fair, you cheated." Avery interjected.

"How can I cheat at Rock, paper, scissors?

"Anna, just give me your outfit!" I said.

I took her outfit and moved into the dressing room. It was a no-sleeved jean vest, ripped black jeans and square nerd glasses. It was a nice top but I didn't like the pants or the glasses. It was 90 degrees outside. I still put it on anyways. I looked nice in it. I opened the door and went out. Anna gasped and looked like she just saw an angel. the others smiled but seemed disinterested, they were probably just bias. 

"Its going to be a little hot outside though." i said 

Avery handed me her outfit since she placed second. I went into the dressing room and tried on the outfit. It was very... Avery. It was a skirt with red roses all over it, and it went to about the middle of my thigh. The shirt was a light red with a wide neck, she also always had to accessorize with a fake diamond necklace that pretty much covered my entire neck. It was cute, but not... me. I liked the skirt a lot but not everything else. I went out yet again and Avery loved it. The others faked a smile.

"Next!" I called. 

Harper laughed and handed me her's. I went into the dressing room again and tried on Harper's. It was an ombre white-to-blue shirt with a pastel blue mini skirt. It was nice, but not me. it would look good on someone else, but not me. I went out for hopefully the last time and showed everyone. They all seemed disinterested.

"Yeeaaaahhh, maybe not..." Harper said

I agreed.

"Wait," Harper said, "I just had a vision."

She does that a lot.

"Give me all three of your outfits."

I gave them to her and she ran off. S0he returned moments later with an amazing combination of Avery's skirt, Anna's vest and some black leggings.

"Try this on."

She shoved them in my arms and I proceeded to go to the dressing room for hopefully the last time. I tried it on and it looked perfect. cute and easy to move in. I went out and all three of them gasped.

"I love it!" said Anna.

"It's perfect!" said Avery.

"You're welcome" said Harper.

"And only $30" I said while twirling.

I went up to the cashier and payed for it. The lady was very nice and complemented me on it.

"Well I have the outfit, but I'm pretty sure I needed new shoes-" I added before Anna interrupted.

"HOT TOPIC!" She said speeding off in the other direction.

We all shrugged and followed her.

We got to the store and Anna was already one step ahead of us.

"Here, I found your favorite converse and I thought this flower crown would look nice."

She handed me black converse shoes and a rose flower crown.

"And you found this all in under one minute?"

"I know my way around this place." replied Anna.

I put on the shoes and the crown. it was the perfect addition to an already perfect outfit.

"You guys are the best." I said.

"No problem Alice." They all said.

That was unusual. they usually call me Ali, just a shortened version of my name. but I didn't mind.

"We should probably get going now," I said looking at my watch. "3 hours left."

"Right." They said.

We all got in my car and started to drive away.



This chapter will be split into two parts because it is so long. sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was kinda busy 

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