Chapter 1

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It was too damn early to be awake. 6:30 in the morning just to get ready for school. The house is crazy with younger siblings running around trying to find misplaced objects, wanting breakfast, and someone in the upstairs bathroom so they run to the one downstairs but that one is also occupied. I just lay there in my bed wanting all the commotion to stop for even one second.

"Amy, get your ass out of bed! You're going to be late!" Mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

With a puff of irritation, I throw the sheets off of me and carefully jump off the top bunk. My sister and I had shared the same room for years. When it became clear that she would just roll off the top bunk, we switched. The only problem was that she never kept the ground clear so I could easily twist an ankle if I jumped in the wrong area. The bathroom was never clear so I got used to just brushing my teeth in the school bathroom in the morning. I slipped into my favorite pair of light blue skinny jeans and an ACDC band t-shirt with a red flannel over the top. My black beany covered up my crazy long brown hair, well most of it anyway. I grabbed my brush off the dresser and grabbed my old navy blue backpack. One strap had been broken in two and was barely holding with duck tape.

I tried to get down the stairs but when you have 4 brothers and 6 sisters, it's not easy going anywhere without getting knocked over.

"Amy for the one-millionth time, you can't keep dressing like you're from the sticks. Dress like a lady for once."

I crossed the kitchen counter rolling my eyes. I was a country chick that loves old rock. I'm not one for wearing pretty things. Is that so wrong? I grabbed the toast and a glass of orange juice that was waiting on the counter as Mom started to butter the second batch. I quickly chugged down the juice and headed for the door with my toast in one hand and my backpack in the other.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?"

"Max is picking me up for school. Is that a problem?"

"You mean Makenzie? No problem, see you after school."

"It's Max now Mom," I said as I slammed the door shut.

As I reached the end of the walkway an old truck came around the bend and stopped in front of me. I opened the creaky door and was met with a smile from a good old friend. Max was one of my oldest friends. We grew up in kindergarten as best friends in the whole neighborhood. It was only a year ago that he had come out as a trans man. No one really accepted him though, no matter how many times he tried.

"Hop in bitch." He said with a giggle.

I hopped up into his truck with a smile. He wore his old black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a white t-shirt, and a blue flannel that matched his eyes. His hair was neatly brushed back but his curls were falling forward across his strong jaw. Although he was not accepted, Max had found a way to get testosterone delivered to my front door so that I could give it to him. In only a year he has changed so much.

"You look like shit," He stated as he watched me eat my toast.

"Yeah, well when you have a huge family that is as crazy as mine, you can talk."

He laughed as his eyes fell to his lap. He liked to joke about the huge families as he was the only child. He peered up at me through a curl and with a crooked smile put the truck into drive.

The drive was long but amusing. We live in a small town in Idaho, a state no one hardly knows about. We joked about the day that Middleton will become a huge tourist attraction for being so small. One day maybe the small town will become a huge city with skyscrapers that are taller than the clouds.

"Yeah right... so... how are things at home?"

The mood quickly changed as I watched the smile fade from his face. I knew I shouldn't have asked but I was curious if anything had changed.

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