Chapter 5

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We bundled underneath the blankets with the front seats laid back as far as they were allowed. The sound of cars rushing by, lights lighting up the interior. This was our lives for however long we chose. We were parked on the side of the road, well out of the way for the night. I didn't mind it at all. As I lay there, I thought about the years of savings Max had placed aside for his surgeries. He would be able to get them soon. My heart raced as I thought of the day that he would finally be his full true self. 

The night seemed to go by quickly. By the time I woke up, we were already driving again. I wish I could tell you everything that happened, but that would take forever, so I'll tell you the most important things that happened in that year of travel. We went to Disneyland in California for a few days. We went on every ride, some more than once. His smile was brighter than anything I had ever seen. We had too much fun. We got thousands of pictures and lots of souvenirs. We were grateful that we had almost 8 years' worth of savings in our banks. We went to SeaWorld as well. By the end of the day, we were soaked to the bone with saltwater. We were able to find a cheap hotel room for the night. We showered to get all the salt water off us before falling asleep. 

When I woke up, Max was up and packed. I laughed before getting ready myself. As we drove, he would stop and we would take pictures. I posted them on social media, exclaiming our traveling and how cool his shots were. A few messages came in asking if we were near-certain towns, if so, they wanted Max to come to do pictures for them and they would pay us. We would get almost $100 a picture. After we shared those photos, more requests came in. Before you knew it, we had almost 10 people per state that were paying us money to take pictures. These were for family albums, school pictures, wedding pictures, and so many other reasons. Max has this unusual relationship with a camera. He can take what will look like a disaster and make it come out gorgeous. We saved up the money as our hotel money and gas money. Whatever was left was used for souvenirs. We went to so many places and stopped for different activities. When June came around, we found a huge pride parade and went to that. It was so much fun. We got flags, met friends, exchanged numbers, and had so much fun. Everyone was so nice. 

By the time we got to Florida, Max had been on Testosterone for almost two years. We learned through research and other people's experiences that the best Trans Surgeon lived there. When Max was showering in one of the hotels, I made an appointment for him. The next day was going to be special for him and me. 

"Max, get up quick!"

"What is it, Amy? What's going on?"

"Common, we got to go somewhere."

He slowly rolled out of the hotel bed and got dressed. He was very confused when I pulled up into the hospital parking lot. He looked around with curiosity as we waited to be called back. When we did, I couldn't help but smile. The doctor looked at both of us and smiled. 

"You must be Max?" he said extending his hand out to him.

Max nodded and took his hand. The doctor could tell that Max was confused about what was going on.

"I see your friend didn't tell you why you're here, huh? Well, Max, I have looked at your medical records and can say officially that you are ready for your top and bottom surgeries."

I looked at Max who was staring at me. His eyes began to fill with tears when he realized what I had done. He cupped his hands around his nose and mouth as he nodded. The doctor examined him thoroughly before asking if we wanted to continue that day. Max nodded again. With a smile, the doctor went out to get things ready and left us to wait. Max jumped off the table and gave me a hug. His tears soaked through my shirt as he held on to me tightly. I ran my fingers through his brown curly hair. He was able to calm down before they rolled him out to get it done. 

I sat there waiting for what felt like all day. A sweet old lady sat next to me and saw that I was nervous. She kindly asked me what was wrong.

"My best friend is having his top surgery. He's trans." I explained. 

Her little eyes lit up. She continued to tell me the story of how one of her kids was trans. They had been so frightened to tell them but when they did, she was so supportive. She talked about how the laws coming out about anti-trans bills were so cruel and harmful to youth. They are already scared that they will not be accepted by family, and now the laws are saying that they can't be their true selves. Their parents could go to jail for helping them be themselves. I was frightened by all of this as well. I told her that I saw the bills as a death sentence to those who are different. The lawmakers say that they want to help people, yet they are increasing suicide rates by doing this. It's just awful.

The doctor interrupted the uncomfortable conversation by informing me that Max was out of surgery. I kindly thanked the grandmother for her kind words and support before walking back to his room. Max had just woken up and was a little sore. We were able to stay at the hotel for a little longer while he healed from his top surgery. It was about two months later that he was able to go in for his bottom surgery. We ended up staying in Florida for a few more months. When Max was all healed up, we were able to leave for another state. 

Almost a year had passed since we were out exploring the country. It was time to return home and go back to school. Max decided that he might go into photography. He had been setting up the camera and doing personal photoshops about how trans people can be beautiful. He even made youtube videos encouraging people to stand up for those who are different. I am so proud of him. 

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