Chapter 8

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Weeks had passed since the party. I was seeing more of Gen and Max together. He told me that they were dating. I never talked to him. He would ask me questions but I wouldn't answer him. Finally, one day it just got to be too much for him. 

"Would you please talk to me?" He called after me as I walked through the halls of the apartment.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I want to know what's going on? It has been weeks and you haven't once looked at me nor talked to me. What's wrong?" 

"You and Gen are what's wrong, Max okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw what you were doing with her that night Max. Her on her knees and you loving every second of it. You don't think I can hear your passionate love at night?" I snapped turning to face him.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have done something about it. If your so uncomfortable with it maybe you should have said something."

"Like you would have listened to me. Your too busy getting your cock blown." I turned around and slammed the door to the laundry room. 

Tears began to stream down my face. Since Max was with another girl, I was planning on going out with Ben. I shared feelings with him, but they were not as strong as the ones I felt for Max. When I finally came out of the room, Max had left to be with Gen. I got ready but Max's face was imprinted in my mind. Ben picked me up and we went to dinner. 

By this point, months had passed between now and the fight Max and I had. Ben and I were together and so were Max and Gen. Jacob ended up having a fall out with the 4 of us when he accused Ben of cheating with me. None of it was true of course. We were all sitting on the couch laughing and talking when Ben got up to go to the bathroom. He left his phone and it went off. I picked it up and saw a text message from a girl named Brittney. I read it out loud.

"'Hey babe, when are you coming over?" 

I looked up with tears in my eyes. Max's smile faded from his face and Gen laughed. 

"Wow, looks like Jacob was right all along. Damn girl, bad luck." Exclaimed Gen.

I looked at Max to say something. He just looked away from me. I stood up and ran upstairs, shoving past Ben as he was walking towards us again. He looked after me and then back to the others before calling after me.

"Amy, what's wrong baby?"


"Oh shit, babe you weren't supposed to see that."

"So what are you cheating on me?"

"It all happened so quickly, I don't love her as I do you."

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!! WE'RE DONE!!!" I slammed my bedroom door in his face.

I could hear him try to apologize. I locked the door. He ratted the handle and pounded on the door. I could hear the sound of footsteps running up the stairs. Max yelled at Ben to get out of our apartment. Ben left and Max knocked on my door. 

"Amy, let me in. I want to help you."

"Fuck you, Max," I said.

He was quiet. I stayed in my room all night and even missed class the very next day. When I went to the bathroom I didn't relock my bedroom door. I heard a knock before Max slowly opened it. I didn't look at him at all. 

"Hey, I know you're pissed but I brought you a grilled cheese. You're favorite." He walked over to me and placed it on my bedside table. I could feel him sit down beside me on the edge of my bed. "Hey, um, look I'm sorry I didn't say anything when Gen was making fun of you. I just couldn't believe that Ben would do something like that to you."

I still didn't look at him. I could feel the tears run down my face onto the pillow below my head. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. He was about to say something but didn't. He stood up and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Everything was going wrong in my life at that moment. The love of my life is dating another woman, the second love of my life cheated on me, and the love of my life didn't stand up for me at the moment that I needed it the most. I hated him more than anything. 

Months passed. I refused to date anyone. Max and Gen ended up breaking things off after she continued to insult me. She would say things about my dating life, my family, and even my friendship with Max. He had told her to leave me alone more than once but she never listened. I was glad when they finally broke up but it didn't help the feeling of betrayal inside. 

Almost a year and a half passed since we started school. His chest scars had healed and hardly showed. Max and I had begun to rebuild what had gotten broken down by our friends. It wasn't long before we were back to talking to each other. We still had a lot of work to do but a college party was the first step. Max had heard about it from his classmates and found the location. He asked me if I wanted to go with him. I couldn't say no when his blue eyes looked desperate to heal what was torn between us.

We walked in and were surprised. The lights were out and party lights were flying everywhere. The music was loud and shook the room. People were making out everywhere and the counter was covered in booze. I looked at Max and he smiled. This was going to be fun I guess. We were both of age to drink but had never done so before. If we got drunk, our apartment was literally two buildings over. I doubt anything was going to happen though. What could possibly go wrong?

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