Chapter 6

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We slowly rolled up into my driveway looking at the light in the kitchen. We hadn't told my parents that we were coming home, so this was going to be a bit of a surprise. We got out and walked up to the door. I knocked loudly. If I know my large family, no one is being quiet making it hard to hear the door. I heard the sound of my father telling everyone to be quiet. I laughed as I watched a dark figure moving from behind the closed curtains. I heard the doorknob rattle before the door opened up.

"Hi, Dad," I said with a smile.

He stood there quietly for a second before reaching his arms around me. I could hear the rattle of kids running over to me. I looked back at Max who had my siblings jumping on him and pulling him to the ground. I laughed before we all entering into the foyer of my house. We sat around in the living room talking about our trip. Max showed them all kinds of pictures. My mother surprisingly was not disturbed by his trans pictures at all. She actually loved them. I smiled at the idea that my mother may have changed. Again, that was just a thought. That night, I couldn't sleep. It was weird being back home. I wandered through the halls and came to my parent's room. The door was cracked and I could hear my mother talking about Max, so I listened in. 

"I mean, can you believe that kid. She leaves on a trip with Amy and cuts off the things that God gave her. She is such a sinner. God will send her to hell for this. I don't care that she's Amy's friend, I will not have my daughter hanging around a sinner. That child is a bad influence and deserves to burn in hell!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After all this time, my mother still thinks that this is what will happen. With tears in my eyes, I ran back to my room, where Max was sleeping. 

"Max, Max, please wake up."

"Amy... Hey, What's wrong?"

He held my arms gently as I cried. I told him everything that I heard. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I begged him to take me away for good. I wanted to run away and never come back. I packed every bag I had and put it into the back of Max's truck. When I had my belongings, which were few, I wrote a note. I told my parents that I couldn't be around people that didn't love my friends the way that I did. I reminded my mother that God said to "Love thy neighbor as thy self".  If anyone was going to burn in hell it was going to be her for not loving those around her. I said what I wanted to say for years and left that on my pillow. 

As quietly as I could, I walked out to the truck and got in. Max had received an offer for his parent's house. He was going to foreclose the sale in the next few days. Until then, I was going to stay at his place. We both decided that we were going to go to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho for school. Max had looked around online and found a nice small apartment where we would be able to stay. I was not excited by the person on his porch the next day.

I slept up in his room while he slept in his parent's room. Max had gone to the store to get storage boxes to help us move out all his stuff. I was in the kitchen making pancakes when I heard someone knock at the door. When I opened the door, it was my mother.

"What do you want?"

"I think you know what I want. I want an explanation from you. Are you letting him deceive you into sin?"

"He is just trying to be himself. You taught me that I should love everyone despite that they are different because they are all God's children and our spiritual siblings. They may not agree with our views but we should still show them, love. YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE!!! You say to love everyone, and yet you want him to burn in hell because he's different!!" I let the tears run down my face. "Get out of my sight! I don't want to be around people who want him to die! I love him and you can't decide who I will be friends with!" I slammed the door. 

The house is over a hundred years old. When I slammed the door the whole house shook, even the windows. I could hear her calling my name, demanding that I open the door to her. I just sank to the floor and cried. It was a few minutes before she finally drove away. 

Max came home and I broke down crying. After telling him what happened he stormed out the door. I didn't know where he was going but I knew it wasn't good. I later got a call from my father. He was down at the station when Max came flying through the door and demanded a restraining order against my mother. She wasn't allowed to make contact with me unless I initiated contact. I let out a sigh of relief before explaining to him what had happened. 

"Well pumpkin, I can't blame your mother. She worries about you."

"I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions. I don't need her to tell me what is and isn't right."

My father and I talked about it some more before saying goodbye. I don't know how long it will be before I am willing to let my family back into my life. I will let my siblings see me, but not my mother. I waited for Max to get home. I guess he thought I was going to get mad at him for his decision. He walked in and told me he could explain himself. I just walked up to him and gave him a hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around me. 

"I was not expecting this."

I smiled. It was a few days later when Max received his money for the house. He had bought the apartment for both of us. We packed up everything in the house. Max still had his parent's belongings. He couldn't let go just yet. I was fine with it as I helped him pack a trailer with all of our stuff. By the time the house was empty, we had the trailer packed tightly with everything. We even had the bed of his truck filled with stuck and the backseat. He wandered around the empty house with tears in his eyes. I held him tightly in the dining room. With his last goodbyes, we locked up and left the key on the window sill. He took a deep breath before driving away. We were on our way to college at last. Who knows what's in store for us now. 

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